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9 years ago.....

Carmen smiles as Prim races among the stalls, smiling and waving to everyone.

How it so easy for her to make friends, Carmen wonders with a little shake of her head. The whole village adores her.

Prim looks back at Carmen and calls out to her.

"Come on Carm! I wanna use the money that Mrs. Shworn gave me to buy a new pretty dress for the party next week."

That's right........ my dear little sister will be six next week. Which means soon she will have her ability. Hopefully she wont be like me. She has to have an ability. She wouldn't be able to stand being pushed out of the social part of the village. Carmen is jolted out of her thoughts as a scream rips through the market. Carmen takes off at a breakneck pace to the source of the scream.

No..... please no.....please don't be her. Anyone but Prim! I can't lose her too! She's too pure! Who would hurt her?! Carmen's feet and thoughts come to a halt as she sees the gruesome scene before her. Prim lies on the ground, blood spilling from her temple. The money she wanted to spend on a new dress soaked in her blood on the ground. Carmen screams and tries to rush froward, but sees Prim's lips move.

"Don't.......," she whispers. A boot come crashing down onto her ribs. The King stands above her. Although he looks 16 he is actually over 50 years old. He smirks down at Prim. Then looks out to the crowd.

"THIS! This is what happens to scum who dare get in my way! This girl soiled my robe with her disgusting hands and will now pay the price. Unless someone would like to pay the price. "Carmen looks around thinking that since the Village loves Prim so much someone will save her. But everyone shrinks back.

Cowards......worthless..... DISGUSTING PIGS! Carmen takes a step forward but is pulled back by her best friend Katherin Evergreen.

"No Carmen. He'll kill both of you."

"PR-," Carmen begins to cry out but Katherin clamps a hand over Carmen's mouth. Katherin drags Carmen away while they listen to the screams of Prim as she's beat to death. By their King..... a heartless tyrant! Carmen's conscious begins to fade hearing the screams of the girl she was supposed to cherish and protect. The girl who was a week away from becoming six. A week away from getting her talent. She was defenseless! She was innocent! But a weak King can only pick on the weak. As darkness crept into Carmen's mind she made a vow, she would become strong so he couldn't pick on her. She wouldn't let him hurt anyone else, and she would avenge Prim.

Present day......

Carmen wakes up with a start. Sweat on her brow. She clutches at her knife and scans the room she sighs and flops back onto her bed. The same nightmare that had been plauging her for years had returned.

The night before I got to the castle..... to sing at the Prince's 16th birthday party. She smirks and stands. She cleans herself up and puts on her brown work dress. Tomorrow will be a special day. A day she'd been planning, for nine years. A lot of things will change. Starting with the death of a tyrant, and then his son. Ending their filthy bloodline and avenging my little sister, Prim.

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