All an Act

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Carmen sits on her bed reading after having taken a long shower and changed into her usual bright red knee length skirt. A knock is heard on her door.

"Coming,"she calls out before bookmarking her story and getting up. She walks over to the doors and opens it to see Percy holding a bushel of Primrose flowers. Carmen's eyes widen.

"Ready for that picnic," Percy asks with a mischievous smile. Carmen's eyes widen with a mix of joy and hurt that left her confused.

He used Prim flowers! That rude little..!

He doesn't know and they're considered a sweet gesture..... it's cute...

The voices rage inside her as she accepts the flowers with a smile on her face. Percy looks at her quizzically.

"What's wrong," he asks which jolts Carmen out of her thoughts.

"Nothing," she says calmly with a sweet smile, "I can't wait for the picnic! Let me get my shoes and we can go!"

"Okay..," Percy says not entirely convinced. Carmen puts the flowers in a nearby vase and grabs some black heeled-boots. She pulls her hair out of her messy bun and lets it fall loose. She walks back over to Percy with a smile and he holds out his arm. She places her palm gracefully against him. Percy leads her down a flight of steps to a side door. He opens it with a mock bow and says, "after you milady." Carmen giggles and curtsies to him.

"Why thank you kind sir," then she walks through followed by Percy. The room she enters is so dim she can barely see her hands in front of her. She feels Percy come in front f her and place something on her eyes blocking her vision.

"W-what are you doing," she asks slightly nervous. "I thought we were going to the garden."

"Mmm not quite I said we were gonna have a picnic," he says his hands moving swiftly tying the fabric behind her head. "But I plan to have it somewhere special, trust me Carm." As soon as Carmen hears the nickname her body relaxes. She feels Percy's hand in her own tugging her through the darkness. Carmen begins to feel heat on her skin once more and the gentle sound of running water. Percy let's go of her hand and for a moment she begins to panic, but then the blindfold falls off and she can see again. She marvels at the scenery. There is a grove of willow tree all along the outer side of a stream that circles around a small island. On the island is a checkered blanket laid out with a picnic basket. Percy laughs at her expression and pulls her hand.

"Come on! Come on!" He takes off towards a little bridge with Carmen jogging along behind him. As they pass over the river she sees several fish swimming along. Percy lets go of Carmen's hand and jumps onto the picnic blanket. Carmen giggles and its down next to him pulling off her shoes. Percy grabs the picnic basket and opens it up to reveal a feast. Fresh cheese, grapes, bread, and a bunch of eclairs.

My favorite!!! Percy chuckles at her expression. She sticks her tongue out at him and resists the eclairs. Instead she grabs some grapes before leaning back.

"Mmmm! It's so nice to be able to kick back and relax! Thanks for this Percy." Percy smiles upon seeing her relaxed face. A small smile on her lips as she basks in the sun.

"No Problem Carm. It's nice to see you relaxed and smiling," Percy replies airily. He grabs some bread and munches on it.

"So... if we're gonna pretend to be engaged we should probably know about each other. At least enough to answer questions easily," Percy says after a bit.

"Hmm... you're right. So what's your favorite color?" Carmen asks popping a grape in her mouth.

"Seriously?" Percy asks raising an eyebrow.

"We gotta start off easy! Duh!"

"Fine my favorite color is green," he says looking at her green eye.

"Smooth," she says with a smirk.

"I know," he says returning her smirk. "Now your turn."

"Is it not obvious? My favorite color is red!"

"Seriously? Your last name is Rose and your favorite color is red?" Percy begins to laugh.

"Hey! It's the only color that brings out both of my eyes. Having mismatched eyes makes choosing good clothes hard!" Percy starts laughing harder. Carmen puts and crosses her arms. "You're a jerk...." She turns her back on Percy who stops laughing.

"Awww Carm I'm sorry for laughing...," Carmen doesn't move or say anything. "Carm.... come on...," Carmen clenches her jaw. Then she feels arms around her waist from behind. "Please don't be mad at me Carm! You're my only friend!" Carm sighs and turns to him, returning the embrace.

"You're evil playing that card."

"I know!" He pulls away and starts nibbling on some cheese. "Now what's your favorite food?"

"Eclairs......," Carmen mumbles.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hear that. Could you repeat that please?" Percy says with a smirk.

"Eclairs. Okay?" Percy's smirk becomes a wide evil grin. "Quit grinning like that. Your face will get stuck like that and you'll become the Cheshire cat or something."

"Does that mean I'll get to disappear?!" Carmen sighs and hits the back of Percy's head. "Ow!" He says as he rubs the sore spot.

"I'm the Prince you know!"

"Yeah and I'm your fiance and older than you. Live with it."


"Yeah anyway your turn what's your favorite flower?"

"Red roses," he says with a sly smile.

"I'm gonna die from this. It's painful to watch. But seriously favorite flower?"

"Fine I like Camellia's. All the different colors."

"Why?" Carmen asked.

" mom used to love Camellia's. It's kind of a thing that most of the Queens in our kingdom have, or well develop. It's an unexplained pull for them after living in the castle for a while. My mother had that pull and constantly tended to the Camellia's in the garden. When I was little I would help her all the time. After she was gone the only time I could forget the pain for a while was when I was with the Camellia's. But after awhile.... the Camellia's began to wilt. The gardeners always told me that it was simply due to the minerals being used up in the soil. But I always thought, and still do, that it's my mom. That the more amazing a Queen is the more amazing the Camellia's are. And with no Queen.... that would mean there would be no more Camellia's or they'd at least be wilted."

"Makes sense," Carmen says, "And I'm so sorry you had to go through that it must've been painful." Percy sighs.

"It doesn't hurt as much now. Course you would know the pain too, right?"

"Why," Carmen asks confused.

"Well you're an orphan right? You lost your parents too."

"Well yes but not really. I was 3 when I was brought to the orphanage so I didn't really know my parents or what happened to them. I don't know who they were either. And I don't really care. It's all in the past and I have more important things to think about right now. So I don't feel any pain."

"Huh....," Percy falls silent, mulling this over. "So my turn! Do you have any siblings?"

Key Flower meanings:

Primrose I Can't Live without You

Petunia Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Soothes Me

Camellia (Pink)

Longing For You

Camellia (Red)

You're a Flame in My Heart

Camellia  (White) 
You're Adorable

(Three new flowers! They'll come into play soon.)

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