
17 0 0

Then Carmen lost consciousness.

Carmen opens her eyes to see herself in the dark void once more. S little to her left she sees Prim. Her hood up and her shoulders shaking. Carmen stands up, worry consuming her. She manages to walk over to her and hugs Prim from behind. Prim turns around swiftly to see Carmen. Long enough for Carmen to see tears streaming down her face. Prim pulls out of her arms.
"HOW ARE YOU HERE?! WHY?!" Prim screams her voice breaking.
"I don't know but that's not important now. What's wrong Prim?" Carmen replies.
"Pff. Don't pretend to care now that I'm strong. And it doesn't matter how you got here because I'm sending you back until I'm ready now leave." Prim flicks her wrist and Carmen's vision spins before she hits the ground of a lush field. Beneath her is a checkered blanket with Percy's castle in the distance. The sun shines brightly and for a moment it blinds her. She feels arms wrap around her from behind and turns to see Percy, but not. He seems more mature, the boyish twinkle in his eyes gone and replaced with joy but a kind of serenity.
"What's wrong Carm?" Percy asks.
"I- wasn't I just unconscious? What about Prim? What..." Carmen trails off as she sees her body is no linger covered in bandages, but in a beautiful sunset like dress.
"You're still sleepy that's all. You fell asleep while the kids went to go look for some wild berries."
"Ki-?" Carmen is cut off as a small bundle in blue comes barrels into her.
"Hi mommy!" The little boy says looking up at Carmen with a beautiful mix of blue and silver eyes. A little girl runs a few paces behind him with long black hair and sparkling blue-green eyes.
"Lucas! I told you not to run off without me!" The girl scolded much to her parents amusement.
"But I saw mommy!" The little boy protested.
"Yeah and you'll get to her either way. But it's safer to stay with me okay?"
"Okay Lulu!" The boy smiles so brightly that it's impossible for anyone to stay upset with him. Carmen looks down at herself to see she hasn't aged either but her hair was longer. A sense of familiarity washes over her.
Was... was it all a dream? Is this my life?
The kids play as Carmen leans on Percy's arm content. Percy places a kiss on top of her head and takes something out of a nearby basket.
"I brought your favorite treat!" He says with a smile. Carmen's face lights up at the thought of eclairs. She looks down to see a custard or before her. They had been her favorite when she was younger but then she had her first eclair and fell in love. She stops and looks around.
It was too perfect. It's wrong. This isn't my life.
Carmen stands up and says," you're not real. Let me wake up Prim." A voice laughs.
"But you were so happy! Isn't this life so much better? Why not stay asleep? Here there's no conflict it's perfect and easy."
"But it's not my home. I didn't work for any of this. That's not how life works now let me out."
"Mmm.... no! Let's worry Percy in the real world a bit more!" Carmen grits her teeth and looks back at the Percy in this world. Everything seemed to be put on pause during their conversation and was now coming back to life. A single tear slipped down her face.
"I'm sorry Percy," she says before slamming her fist into his stomach. He begins to cough up blood and Carmen concentrates. She summons her swords and cuts of Percy's head. The children scream and look at her with wide eyes. Carmen cries as she rushes at them killing the little boy and girl where they stand. Their bodies lay limp and bleeding. Their once full of life eyes dead. She sobs as she looks at them.
She uses her sword to stand up once more and wipes away her tears.
They're not real. Not yet. But maybe one day they can be. I will make this happen. My way, through my hard work. Now it's time to get back.
Carmen imagines herself being like Prim. Remembers he feeling she got whenever the used her power. The vibrations in the air.
"How are you doing that?!" Prim yells.
"It's my dream. I can do anything." Carmen uses Prim's power a shatters the dream world jolting her awake.
Carmen's eyes fly open and she jolts up. She breaths heavily as Arms wrap around her. Her head whips towards the person hugging her and sees Percy. Her Percy. She didn't know how she knew she just did. She hugged him back and tried to gulp down some air.
She calms down in his arms and then the doctor checks her over and says a few stern words to her about bed rest. Carmen nods along, knowing full well she will break the rules when no one is looking. Once he leaves Percy climbs in behind her and hugs her. She leans against him enjoying the feeling of being back with him.
"Mm?" Carmen hums back.
"I know a lot is going on right now.... but I noticed something earlier."
"What? What's you notice?" Carmen asks, curious.
"It.... I... what I mean to say is-...," Percy stumbles with his words before taking a deep breath. "While you were asleep there was a time when your dream seemed to turn into a nightmare, you were crying and talking to someone. But... there was one part where you seemed to get a second wind or something."
"Yeah...? What about it?" Carmen probes.
"I..... sensed something when that happened.... an energy."
"Okay....? What does that mean? Percy just tell me what you're thinking." Percy sighs.
"I think that surge of energy was from you. I think you have an ability."

Key Flower meanings:

Primrose I Can't Live without You

Petunia Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Soothes Me

Camellia (Pink) Longing For You

Camellia (Red) You're a Flame in My Heart

Camellia (White) You're Adorable

Monkhood Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near

Marigold Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
( No new flowers! But man Percy dropping a bomb like that at the end of a chapter? Not cool man. Don't you know cliffhangers are illegal?)

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