Preparation is Key

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Carmen wipes the sweat off her brow as she comes in for lunch after working the garden all morning. She goes to grab her lunch sandwich and drink but is stopped by one of the care takers in the orphanage.

"Oh no dear! You've been chosen to sing today which means we have to give a good proper meal and spend the afternoon getting you ready!"

"Very well shall we go," Carmen replies knowing very well that if it wasn't for the fact that she is being called before the king that this woman wouldn't care about her anymore than she would a mutt. Carmen follows the woman into a room with a full course set out. Carmen sits down and begins to eat everything! From the appetizer salad to the last bite of chocolate pie.

"Delicious," Carmen exclaims with a smile. The smile quickly drops. Prim would've loved this .....

Carmen's hands clench into fists as she stands. A new care taker leads her into the wash room and uses her ability to levitate and move the objects getting Carmen scrubbed, washed, and moisturized in record time.

"Now then," the new woman says," all that's left is the dress!" Carmen follows obediently and enters a room with curtains on either side and racks upon racks of shoes. Gowns sit in the back of the room, each gorgeous and unique.

"As you know," the woman begins," our orphanage has gotten many talented performers throughout the years so His Majesty has given us many gifts and today you will get to wear some of these beautiful clothes."

A gift..... from that pompous tyrant? I'd rather burn it but then I'd lose my chance....., Carmen thinks And then plasters on a smile.

"That sounds so wonderful! I can't wait to try them on!"

"Oh I know," the woman replies squealing a bit. She pushes Carmen behind one of the curtains and begins throwing different dresses in. Most are either so large and fully it's impossible to perform in or are so short that it has to decency. Carmen comes out with the latest rejections much to the care takers disappointment.

"Come now there isn't ONE you like?"

"No, none of them match my dance style. I dance and sing to wild and free music! Music that empowers you!"

"Hmm well..... perhaps this one will do then," the woman muses to herself as she takes out a beautiful red dress with a rose at the top and a skirt that trails down longer on one side. Carmen smiles and nods. The woman claps her hands cheerfully and pushes Carmen behind the curtains once more. Carmen emerges from behind the curtain looking like a goddess in the dress. Blood red heels are found that compliment her black and red hair.

"You look stunning! Oh you will surely bring honor to our orphanage!"

"Of course! I will work my very hardest," Carmen says a big smile on her face. I will work my very hardest to avenge my sister! Then Carmen looks at the clock above the door to see its already 4:30!

"I'm so sorry but I must go grab my over night bag before they come!"

"Of course of course," the woman says and shoos her out. Carmen races towards her room, which is no easy feat in high heels, and grabs her brand new blue backpack. She'd asked for red.... ever since Prim died she'd loved the color red imagining the exact shade the Kings blood would be when he took his last breath. A sickening smile crept across Carmen's face. She walks towards the entrance of the orphanage and opens the doors as the carriage pulls up. The coachmen look at her with admiration at her beauty. Carmen gives them a bright smile and climbs into the carriage.
A few hours later......
Carmen stares outside the window going over the plan in her mind, again and again. Then the castle comes into view. The large spires made of black stone meant to be intimidating and make you feel small since a weak King couldn't. But a weak King with a strong castle isn't much, to someone who is strong. The carriage enters the castle and into the gardens. Carmen scans the gardens in case everything goes south. She sees a young boy no more than sixteen sitting on a swing in the lily garden. He had hair so blonde it almost seemed white, in a youthful way. He looked at the carriage with his bright green eyes that held an innocent curiosity.

Who is he?

The carriage swiftly passed on before she got to muse over the boy too much. The door to her carriage opened and a butler offered his hand, which Carmen gracefully accepted.

"Welcome Miss Carmen Rose to the Kings Castle," the Butler says.

"Thank you it is such an honor to be welcomed into the home of such an admired and astounding King," Carmen lies. Her words flow out with a touch of admiration. She'd always been good at acting and she would use it to her full advantage. Today people would be invited from all over so a performer would not be nearly as suspicious as a leader or noble trying to take advantage of the situation. Carmen follows the Butler in who leads her to a room with a king sized bed, that had blue comforters and gold lining. The curtains were silver and gold and the carpet and drawers were all white. A door led to her private bathroom that had much the same color scheme.

"I hope everything is to your liking," the Butler says.

It's disgusting..... a way to flaunt his wealth.....
"Of course it's absolutely beautiful! What more could I hope for? This is beyond my wildest dreams as a simple village girl. It's simply an honor to serve his Majesty in what little way I can," she responds with.

"I'm glad to hear my lady, please let any of our staff know if you need something."

I need the King dead.....
"Thank you so much sir!" The butler nods and exits the room and Carmen's smile finally drops. She pulls out the daggers she always has on hand and looks at them.

"It's almost time..," Carmen whispers before placing them in a sheath on her thigh, hidden beneath the skirt. Carmen waits a while simple resting and reading the provided books until her meal comes.

Of course he wouldn't even allow a common performer to eat with the nobles, ugh pompous jerk! Carmen eats in silence and as she scraps off the last bit of food a maid comes in.

"It is almost time for your performance my lady," she says in a timid voice. Carmen dabs at her lips with her napkin before reapplying her lipstick and fixing her dress.

"Well then it's time for his Majesty to get the best show of his life," and his last, Carmen adds in her head before walking out through the hallways towards the dining hall. Two men open the door as she approaches and she hears a third announce her as her heel hits the marble floor. This is it...

"Presenting the performer,"

This is where I avenge Prim.....

"For the young Majesty's sixteenth birthday,"

And where I stop him from hurting anyone else!

"Carmen Maria Rose!"

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