Going to War

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A man slams his hands down on the table in front of him which echoes in the quiet of the room.

"You expect us to accept this common blood wretch to be our Queen? WE WONT ACCEPT IT," he screams.

"Good thing we didn't ask you then," Carmen says with a dangerous glint in her eye. She steps away from Percy and walks straight towards the man.

"Who do you think you are speaking to me in such a disrespectful way," the man screams at Carmen.

"Let's see...... I'm someone who has had to go through hardships, I'm smart which is more than you can say, and I'm the Prince's Fiance and your future Queen. Or are you also too deaf to hear a direct statement from the Prince? Or are you questioning the soon to be ruler of this Kingdom. Here's a bit of advice. That's not a smart move."

"Why you....," the man growls his chest rising and falling rapidly. Carmen turns away satisfied her heels clicking on the marble floor. The man screams and calls for several guards.

"Arrest her!" The man screams and the guards surge forward. Percy pushes his way through the crowd trying to get to her as he screams for the soldiers to stop. His Private guard grabs him before he can get to close and keep him in place as he thrashes about. Carmen smirks as she is surrounded by the guards. Carmen's eye become filled with a slight madness as she throws off her gloves. Two of the guards try to use their abilities to summon magical chains. Carmen hits both in the face with her heels. The guards all take a step back in surprise. Carmen's eyes flicker to Percy and she glares at the next guard who had foolishly charged at her. Carmen jumped onto his back and jumped off, pushing the guard to the ground. A sharp crack can be heard followed by the quiet thump of Carmen's feet hitting the ground. The noble women all shriek. Carmen rolls her eyes.

Yeah you idiots, this is the real world where not everything is cushy and people have to fight.... jeez.., Carmen is jolted out of her thoughts as several swords come speeding at her. She jumps up and the blades interlock. She lands on the flats of the blades. She kicks each soldier in the face sending them flying backwards as more come rushing to help. Carmen grabs a sword and stops one. She hops over another swing and uses her momentum to swing away from the soldiers. Carmen's eyes blaze with fury as she looks up at them. Her dress flows around her bare feet as she stands there sword at the ready, as if she were some warrior goddess.

"You better stop.... you've seen what I can do and I would rather not pull rank boys," Carmen says with a small teasing smile. Then she turns to the guards holding Percy and growls out, "and I SUGGEST that you LET HIM GO!" The soldiers hesitate before letting Percy go who rushes over to Carmen.

"Carm! Are you okay? Did they hurt you," Percy begins to ask worry ringing clearly in his voice. Carmen smiles and embraces him whispering.

"I'm fine don't worry. There was no way I would lose. I have a friend to protect." Carmen pulls away and smiles at him who nods and returns the smile. Carmen looks around at the people gathered.

"Many of you don't like the fact that a "commoner" was chosen as your next Queen. Well I say deal with it because first of all it wasn't up to you. Second of all he is your Prince and if you are truly loyal you will respect his decision. And third of all I may be a commoner but as you can see I just defeated at least 15 guards from the palace. So I suggest you are a but more careful when fighting back on this. Am I clear," Carmen asks with fake sweetness. There are resounding murmurs of agreement and nods until the same man from before stands up.

"You really think we should take her advice? She's uneducated! She doesn't even know proper manners! She can fight but that's not what we need in a Queen! She's worthless and pathetic!" Carmen's eyes reignite with rage.

"Are you challenging my fiance?" Percy's voice is so innocent but Carmen knew the underlying threat.

"Yes! She is not good enough for you your majesty!"

"Hmm....I see.... but I'm sorry I need to ask you something. Who here is the Prince? Future ruler of this Kingdom? And who is the noble that needs me to get his payment for sitting around in a lavish home?" The man begins to stutter. "Never question me of my fiance again because I wont pity you after this if you get removed from your mom and your title stripped." The man pales and sits down afraid and ashamed. Percy looks around, "well then it seems that our lovely brunch will have to wait until the dinning room is all cleaned up. Thank you for coming and do keep in mind what we discussed today."

He sounds like a real King......, Carmen smiles at this. Once everyone has left Carmen retrieves her shoes and gloves. She turns around to see Percy right there with a huge grin on his face.

"THAT WAS AWESOME," he yells. "You were all like Bam! HAYAAAAA! Take that! Can't touch this!" Percy begins to reenact it in the air since her couldn't do the flips. Carmen giggles a bit.

"Perc! As awesome as I am you can FLY! I think you win."

"Nu uh! You didn't just become lucky enough to get an ability like that. You worked for that and that's amazing." Carmen blushes and turns towards the stairs clearing her throat.

"W-well we should get going. I need some new clothes. One of the guards noses started to bleed when he hit the ground." Percy runs up after her as she starts climbing up the stairs.

                                                     *                *             *              *             *

2 hours later....

Carmen sits on her bed reading after having taken a long shower and changed into her usual bright red knee length skirt. A knock is heard on her door.

"Coming,"she calls out before bookmarking her story and getting up. She walks over to the doors and opens it to see Percy holding a bushel of Primrose flowers. Carmen's eyes widen.

"Ready for that picnic," Percy asks with a mischievous smile.

Key Flower meanings:

Primrose  I Can't Live without You

Petunia Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Soothes Me

(More to come as the story continues.)

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