Dreams or Reality?

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No time for rest
No pillow for my head
Nowhere to run from this
No way to forget

Around the shadows creep
Like friends, they cover me
Just wanna lay me down and finally
Try to get some sleep

We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for

Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
Echos of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything can stay the same or we could change it all
Meet me on the battlefield

We're standing face-to-face
With our own human race
We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay
Our tainted history
Is playing on repeat
But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead

When I was younger, I was named
A generation unafraid
For heirs to come, be brave

And meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
Echos of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything can stay the same or we could change it all
Meet me on the battlefield

We carry on through the storm
Tired soldiers in this war
Remember what we're fighting for

Meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine
Echos of the shots ring out
We may be the first to fall
Everything could stay the same or we could change it all
(We can change it all)
Meet me on the battlefield

Meet me on the battlefield
(We could change it all)

Light swirls around her as she sings dancing with a light grace. The words come to her as if she'd known them her whole life, though she was sure this was the first time she'd heard this song. She twirls along the front of the stage as her audience watches in awe. As she reaches the end the light around her seems to sing along with her. The light grows and moves as if they were dancing together, in perfect synchrony. A powerful, sad, yet beautiful dance. The song ends and as does their dance. Carmen and the light face each other and the light seems to bow, which she returns. There is silence before the room is filled with applause. The light dissipates leaving only a warmth radiating from Carmen. Carmen looks out to the crowd and sees Percy clapping wildly with a huge smile. Flowers rain down upon her, bouquets of roses litter the stage. Carmen smiles and closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling. A chill creeps along her spine and she tenses. She opens her eyes and sees three different plants fall onto the ground. A Primrose, a Monkshood, and a Marigold. Carmen's eyes scan the crowd. A panic enters her mind and Carmen begins to search.

Primrose?! Is Prim here?! Is she in danger?! WHATS GOING ON?! Her mental screams seems to echo as the stage disappears and is replaced by an endless dark void. Carmen looks around wildly.

Where am I?

She looks down and sees herself in tattered jeans, t-shirt, and army jacket. Cuts appear on her arms and the void wavers. The darkness morphs and flashes with a bright light. Carmen shuts her eyes tight a loud boom crashes off to her left causing her to fall to the ground. Carmen blinks her eyes and looks around to see Percy's castle, but not the way it should be. The pristine walls were covered in blood, the vases broken,......bodies..... everywhere. Carmen's eyes widen as she looks around in fear for Percy. Carmen races down halls randomly not knowing where to go.

Where is he?! WHERE IS PERCY?! I CANT LOOSE HIM TOO! Carmen pushes herself harder as blood seeps out of her cuts. Carmen skids to a stop as through a hole in the wall she sees a huge black machine, larger then Percy's castle standing 200 meters away. In front of it a small figure hovers, sword brandished.


"PERCY!" The scream rips through her as she runs through the rubble and the battle. "PERCY!" The machine seems to gather energy as Percy tries to find a weak point with his sword. A large, but surprisingly swift, hand hits him as if he were some meddlesome fly. Percy crashes into the ground. Carmen continues to close the distance screaming his name. A large yellow orb gathers slowly above the machine as Percy lays motionless on the ground.

It's going to kill him! "PERCY GET OUT OF THERE! PERCY YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME TOO!" Carmen's body burns with pain and exhaustion, the blood loss catching up to her. Her vision begins to blur but her eyes don't leave Percy. The orb over the machine seems to solidify.

I'm so close! Just a little more! A loud humming is heard and the orb shoots out becoming a beam of light. NOOOOO! The beam fires at Percy with a full force, as it shoots towards him Percy opens his eyes and smiles at her. The light fades and Carmen falls to her knees. Nothing was left of him. Percy.... no.... NO! Tears and rage fill her vision as she looks back at the machine. There at the top stands a cloaked figure, with only the mouth, that was pulled up into a sickening smile  shown. Carmen screams and stands pulling her dagger out from the sheath on her thigh. The cloaked figure smile at her anguish and opens its cloak. The darkness of it's cloak seems to envelop the whole area, plunging Carmen into darkness once more. Carmen's ears ring as she blinks open her eyes. She sits up, once again in the dark void.

I....it was a dream... but it felt so real..., Carmen stands on shaky legs. Her clothes now her old brown work dress and the cuts gone, without a trace. How do I get out of here?

"You don't," the cloaked figure says stepping out of the darkness, the wicked smile still in place. "At least not until I want you too." Carmen reaches for her dagger only to not find it where it belongs. The figure laughs. "If I don't want it here it wont be here silly. Now then since we have some time why don't we catch up.....Carm?"

Key Flower meanings:

Primrose I Can't Live without You

Petunia Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Soothes Me

Camellia (Pink) Longing For You

Camellia (Red) You're a Flame in My Heart

Camellia (White)  You're Adorable

Monkhood  Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near

Marigold  Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy

(Two new flowers! Very ominous ones too...boo!)

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