Another War?

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Could it be? I'm about to have my first kiss?
The door slams open and Carmen leaps away assuming a casual position on her bed. A slightly chubby man runs in at that moment.
"My king! I have urgent news! The-"
"Does that give you the right to barge into a ladies chambers?" Percy asks cutting him off and he immediately blinks and gets down on one knee.
"Please forgive me your majesty I was distressed."
"Rise. Now what is so important?"
"I'm afraid that the other kingdoms now see your kingdom as a challenge to be conquered. The Torians have launched an attack on one of our outage villages. They sent a message right after declaring war." Percy's eyes narrow and he dusts himself off. He walks over to Carmen and plants a kiss on Carmen's forehead.
"I'm sorry I must go handle this and-"
"And I'm coming too right?"
"Glad were in agreement. Come on we've got a war to win."
"Don't argue with me in this. I am your elder, your fiancé, and probably the best solider you have right now." Percy shuts his mouth and sighs. He follows Carmen out and the chubby man follows still in shock as to what just happened. Carmen and Percy walk into the throne room and he sits in the big chair as Carmen stand next to it.
There's no way I'm sitting in that oversized chair that's probably worth more than the average citizen makes in their entire life.
The Generals enter a few moments later fully clad in armor.
Please if they've gotten into the castle this early in the war it's game over.
"Your Majesty," the seemingly leader of the group says. "We believe that you should speak with the Torians first. It would most likely be best in this situation and-"
"What situation is that?" Carmen asks. "One where they have only just begun and foolishly not take advantage of the situation? We can push this." You walk down the steps towards the now unrolled map of the kingdom. "Our Kingdom is surrounded by mountains we have the advantage. There's no way they could've gotten an entire force past our lines without us noticing. And they only attacked a small outlying village. It's an intimidation tactic. If we boost the security on the borders and assign archers to the tops of the mountain outposts we can take control again. The soldiers who did make it in we can quickly dispose of and then they will never get through. They don't know the weather well enough. The Mountains winter comes sooner than in the Torians homeland. Of course being the bloodthirsty brutes they are they didn't stop to consider this. They'll be unprepared. The cold alone will kill several thousands of their troops." Carmen places pieces on the map as she talks. The Generals look at her in shock as she finishes. "Why talk when they've attacked? Why try to reason with the most unreasonable people in this world? You can try but we must eliminate the dangers within our borders and defend our borders better at least." The General clears his throat.
"Miss I hardly think that someone as young as you could understand the gravity of the situation and how it should be handled especially since you..."
"Since I'm a girl? I'm sorry but if I remember correctly I'm the one who finished the last attack on the castle. I'm the one who's been protecting everyone. Where have you been? And if I was a man I bet you would be behind my plan entirely. So for once in your life get off your high horse and take a look at my plan with only the best interests of the kingdom at heart." Percy laughs at this and Carmen can see tears of joy streaming down his face.
"And this is why I love you Carm." Carmen blushes a bit before wrangling her emotions under control.
"So what's your verdict your majesty?" The General asks bored.
You're in for a shock.
"I will talk to the Torians."
Wait what.
The General shoots Carmen a victorious smirk to which she scowls.
Mwahahahahaha thanks Perc.
"I will at least capture the soldiers that have crossed our borders and boost our defenses." He then turns to Carmen. "Mind setting up a trip to the usual meeting point with the Torians?"
"Sure thing." Carmen walks out throwing a smirk to the General who glares at her. She walks out and to the soldiers barracks. A muscular man with a mustache is outside with the sign of a captain. "I need 20 men."
"And what thinks you can come here and demand that?" He asks.
"Are you kidding me? Okay I am the fiancé of the prince and have been put in charge of creating an escort for a meeting with the Torians who have declare war on us. Kay?" She begins to walk past him but he steps into her way.
"Look I don't know what you're trying to pull but I don't believe a word you just said." Carmen rolls her eyes and sighs in frustration. She grabs his arm and tosses her over her shoulder and he goes crashing into the wall. She walks through the doorway and into the barracks. Suddenly she has everyone's attention.
"You. You. You. You two." She continues on pointing at certain men and they get up and follow her out. "You've been chosen to be part of the escort who will be protecting the King as he goes to meet with the Torians to stop the oncoming war."
"Um ma'am how can you choose ya like that? We didn't even have a test." One of the soldiers asks with a distinct accent from the west of the kingdom.
"Because I know what I need in the soldiers that I will be fighting alongside with. And if I were to set up a test there would be time for the Torians to slip in a traitor. Surprise is your greatest ally. Remember that." Carmen then hands then a scroll and each writes their name. She rolls it up and turns away. "Prepare yourselves. I will have a messenger come and tell you an hour before we leave to get ready. Be on your toes." Then she walks off to the castle. She walks into her room to see Percy sitting on her bed.
"How you doing?" He asks.
"Soldiers found. Only one question. Where the heck is the meeting place?"
Key Flower meanings:

Primrose  I Can't Live without You

Petunia Resentment, Anger, Your Presence Soothes Me

Camellia (Pink) Longing For You

Camellia (Red) You're a Flame in My Heart

Camellia  (White)   You're Adorable

Monkshood Beware, A Deadly Foe is Near

Marigold Cruelty, Grief, Jealousy
(Another war....why the heck is everyone underestimating my girl Carm? She's gonna have to kick some butt. But I promise in the next two chapters there will be at least 1 new flower. Now bye for now! Also once we hit 300 reads I will make a special story not at all related to the plot but just something fun! Suggestions are welcome.)

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