Where are you?

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Izuku was finally going back to school after his break for healing in this time izuku had slowly started getting more and more bored just staying at home he knew that kacchan and the other mean kids weren't going to be there so he was happy befor dadzawa and zuku left the house
Aizawa got down to zukus level and said in the sensear and consurned voice "If anyone and I mean anyone messes with you you call me immediately okay bunny "izuku gave a heart warming smile an said "I know zawa I'll have a super duper awesome day today so dont make you worry " aizawa can only smile at this and motion for izuku to put his shoes on to prepare to leave

Time skip to resess at izu's school

I was wandering around the play ground when I realize there were not adventures around and I want to explore and have fun I did promise dad pa okay if not one wants to have an adventure then I'll have to create one maybe the forest near the play ground would be a good place to start as I was going a little bit to far in the forest I could see much or the play ground anymore oops that's my bad but I'll figure out wear it was if I keep going in the detection as I was walking it got a little cooler with all the tree shade I was getting tired and I figured it would be okay to take a small nap me a dad pa do it all the time so a nap now wouldn't be to bad.

Time skip when zuku wakes up

When I woke up I didn't realize where I was I was freaking out because all I saw was the dark alley and I didn't like it ,it was scary I was trying not to cry but a few tears made it's way to my eyes then I knowaticed a strange man wearing a creepy smile on his face he srarted walking towards me I got really really scared and just wanted my family when he got closer I saw activate his quirk it made his nails sharp as a knife he came towards me he then sprung at me and hit right at the edge of my eye(it's about the size of kiri's scar) I screamed because it hurt he was going to swing again but a man stoped him it was a teen about 16(I aged him down this because I don't know how old he is compared to zuzu)he ha red hair with purple burn scars on his neck and arms/hands he said this to me "hey kid my name's dabi I'll take care of this guy I want you to run to the park down the street and get help ,your to young to be on the streets yet, if you can scream on the way there so people know you need help okay ,hopefully next time we meet it will be in a better place and time now hurry before something else happens bye kid "
As told izuku did what dabi said he ran to the park letting out a small scream just to knowtify someone the he was there but by the time he got to the park he pasted out in fear and lack of adrenaline rush.

Aizawas pov

I went to go pick up my bunny but after waiting for him for about 5 minutes I went inside to try an find him when I couldn't I went toh teacher and asked about last time she saw him she just responded in a snarky tone "I saw him at recess and I think I remember him comeig inside for a drink of water so I assumed he was in side " I was furious how could this bitch not take care of my kid I gave the bitch a peice of my mind but stopped and called hizashi and told him the situation he was over in like 10 minutes tops we spend hours looking for izuku without and clues but the we heard a scream and if I didn't know better I sounded like my bunnys so I rushed over to where I heard it only to find my baby on the floor passed out with a cut near his eye I picked him up and run all the way home where I could air care of him but not without calling nemura an zashi

Thanks for waiting so long for this chapter it's probably not great but the idea for this chapter was all thanks to YOURMOM010 there are a few things different I hope you don't mind ill try an update soon
Have a nice night day or afternoon bbbyyyeeee

Dadzawa:I will protect youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant