For once there was pure bliss

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter I hope you enjoy and I wanted to say you should all go read Four Is A Party by atiloder1
All the people who worked on the  story are awesome it may be a new story but I hope you enjoy if you decide to read it

Now on to the story

As Aizawa woke up he looked around and he saw the cuttiest thing he could think of in that moment his son snuggling into the boy he meet the night before but had grown very fond he smiled this time it was noticeable to the every one who saw it which happened to be mic he was in the kitchen cooking ramen for the kids Aizawa and nemi when Aizawa made his way to the kitchen he saw that there was already a pot of hot coffie brewing he goes up to mic and kisses him on his forehead while quietly grumbling out a thank you zashi just squeked out a small thank you ,about 15 more minutes and everything was done the table was set the only thing that had to be done was wake the boys, nemi have been awake and reading on the couch

As yamida went to the pair he couldn't help but let off a squeel which happened to make dabi stir and slowly wake up as he woke up he looked around and saw a small cute green haired boy laying on his chest he smiled to himself while slowly shifting his way to get up yamidas smile only got bigger and bigger until he finally spoke "hey can you wake him up for me pleeeeaaaaase" dabi responded in a low tone voice "yeah sure" dabi slowly sat up izuku and said in sweet tone " hey little buddy I'ma need you to wake up for breakfast okay" izuku only looked up and rubbed his eye befor laying his head back on dabi's chest  dabi found this cute but tried again "bud i need you to get up for me okay I will tickel you awake " izu grunted showing he understood but still didn't get up at this point dabi was smiling close to laughing as he started to tickel izu he instantly started to laugh and giggle "you ready for breakfast yet dabi said in a teasing tone "izu only smile and nodded he go off dabi pulling him by two fingers to the table still giggling Aizawa was happy that his son wasn't scared of the older boy even if he did save him he didn't think his baby would remember all Aizawa said was "did you boys have a good sleep " dabi nodded along with izu who was still trying to get into his chair without help but that wasn't working so dabi picked him up and sat him in his seat he looked at him big eyes and said *shank you * with the biggest britest smile you could think of dabi let a little smile grace his lips and h said "no problem bud"
As this was happening mic had already put food on the table/little area of eating and they were all getting ready to eat but not before nemura teased"he sho looks like you have two sons now " this shoked dabi and Aizawa ,Aizawa got lose in a thought befor acsedentaily mumbling out "I guess I do this shocked every one in the room" athis point in time they were all kinda quiet and dabi was shifting nervously until izu called out "YAY lett eat ramen yyuuuummmmm"every one smiles and this and starts eating and it turned into a comfortable silence

Later that day dabi and ixu were inside nemuara when on hero duty and him hazshi is currently talking to Aizawa I his room

"Hey Aizawa you and I should move into a bigger house together we both have the money and this place is too small for the three of you and well I could help you guys out with taking care of izu "mic says as laying on aizawas bed Aizawa replys with"that's actually a really good idea send me details and I'll look the over well figure it out Kay says as getting ready for ye another nap"

That was the end of this chapter I'ma remind you that you should go check out Four Is A Party  and let me know what you want to see for chapter in the future feel free to comment

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