Ch. 7

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  So the next day at school, after their second periods came to an end, Richie and Eddie met in the hall, accompanying each other to the music room.

The heavy wooden doors of the music room were opened to reveal different instruments and music symbols, but Stan and Bill sitting among them.

"H-hey guys", Bill greeted them with a warm smile.

"Hey, billy boy, Stan the man", Richie nodded, a smile gracing his lips.
Eddie smiled softly and gave a small 'hey' before following Richie over to sit with them on the red chairs.

"Okay, boys. Here's some of the students here to help you", Mr. Burns walked out of his office with two students probably in a grade higher.

"This is Will", he began. "He'll be helping you, Eddie. He's a sophomore"

Eddie swiftly nodded, his feathered hair bouncing as he did so, giving Will a grateful smile.

"And Richie, this is Isaac. He'll show you some stuff on the drums", he finished, motioning to the senior at this right.

"Bill and Stan will show you some of the choreography on the computers and teach you some of the moves. In my meantime, I'll make a schedule for everyone to practice with"

  As Mr. Burns walked out, Bill and Stan shuffled over to the computer sitting on the table, opening up a draft entitled, "marching 2019".

  Different songs popped up in front of them, turning out to be the list of songs they would soon be playing for the season.

  "So", Stan started, looking at Eddie and Richie. "These are the songs we'll be playing this year for our season". The noodle haired boy began pointing at the variety of songs on the screen, listing them off one by one. "We're doing Roaring 20's, Dancing Queen, Viva la Vida, the whole shabam of Bohemian Rhapsody, and then Livin on a Prayer", he said looking up to the newer members of their band.

  Eddie looked more than excited, ecstatic even. A smile stretched from his ear to ear. "That's great! When will we start?"

About an hour into it, both Eddie and Richie got down their sheet music for the half time show songs.

  "Hey try this", Will told Eddie, showing him some new notes on the clarinet. He took his hand, guiding eddies to cover the keys and showed him the right finger placements.

  Eddie giggled softly once he played it and smiled proudly up at Will. "Thanks"

  The apples of Will's cheeks grew a light pink tint. Richie zoned out when Isaac talked to him, so he found himself dozing off, his eyes tracing among the petite figure.

  "Dude", Issac poled Richie with his drum stick, getting his attention back.

  Richie shook his head and blinked several times. "Wait- what?"

  Issac sighed. "I was saying, for drum placements for the show, you, axel and I are on snare"

  Richie's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, as the new name was foreign to him. "Who?"

  "Well if you were listening instead of staring, maybe you would know", he told Richie, raising his eyebrows is accusation.

  Richie began to blush, having the familiar feeling of warmth go up to his ears and neck. "What? No I-"

  "Anyway, he's a sophomore. He pretty  good", Isaac shrugged, twirling his drum stick between his fingers.

  Richie replied with a simple nod, bored eyes trailing back to look at Eddie and Will. The same smile Eddie usually wore stretched widely, laughing contently at something the other student beside him had said.

  Issac still talked, and Richie also hadn't noticed. Again. "But like seriously I- dude!"

  Richie huffed, shifting back in his seat to look at the senior. "Yeah?"

  Issac rolled his eyes, shifting back into his chair to look at Richie, then shifted his gaze towards the two sitting in the small red chairs.

  The senior laughed a little, wearing a small smile that usually doesn't appear on his hard face.

  "'M kinda happy for Will. He's been checking out that kid he's with", Isaac told Richie shrugging a little bit. "Always sees him in the hallway and at lunch and all", he trailed off, looking back at Richie.

  Richie nodded slowly, humming an 'mhm'. Richie could clearly see the happiness in eddies puppy dog eyes. The drummer boy didn't do anything falter it, so he didn't interrupt.

  "Yeah I know I-"

  "Okay kids, thanks a bunch for coming down! I talked to your teachers and they said to stop by your classes to pick up work. I've scheduled a practice for tomorrow after school and one Wednesday after school. See you later!"

  Stan and Bill walked with the other four out the door. After rounding a corner, and a one armed hug by Eddie and Will, the upperclassmen disappeared.

  "S-so how w-wa-was it?", bill questioned the two, walking beside Stanley to follow their pace.

  "It was good, I guess", Richie shrugged, his drumsticks clattering as his arms fell limp at his side.
  Eddie on the other hand, was ready to tell them how it was as soon as it started. The little one apparently had so much joy in learning all this stuff, Richie couldn't understand why.

  "And he was like 'oh it's like this' and I played it and i was like woahh!", he explained to them, waving his arms around, careful not the fling his clarinet case into the air.

  "That's great, Eddie" Stan told him.

  Students began spilling out of their classrooms as the second bell of the fourth period rang, signaling lunch.

  Hungry kids pushed passed them to get to the cafeteria as if a monster came and devoured everything.

  Stan and Bill waited for Eddie and Richie by their lockers as they dropped off their instruments.

  "Hey, what about our work?", Eddie asked them, pointing his thumb over to the classroom doors.
  "Well just getting it after. Let's go", Richie told them.

  And so the four walked side by side quietly venturing to the cafeteria that was close by, just a couple halls down.

  Loud voices spilled out the doors and the usually smell of cafeteria food filled their senses.

  Up ahead eddies eyes trailed onto the sophomore he partnered with earlier.

  "Hey, i'm gonna go sit with Will. Catch you later!", Eddie called back, walking over to the table that held five others.

  Richie internally groaned. He decided sitting with Bill and Stan would be quite enough, so he grabbed his tray and plopped down at their usually table.

  Now, he was wondering if band was going to be all the thought it would.

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