Ch. 9

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  The day after their first practice altogether, the teens' muscles ached, but still had to show up that Thursday for yet another practice after their tenth period ended.

  "Hey, Richie", Issac jogged up to him, a drum stick held in both hands of his hands.

  The afternoon sun shone through the blinds in the windows in the hallway near his locker, temporarily blinding him as he looked through. As the sun shone into his dark brown eyes, he bumped into another classmate walking to the same place he headed.

  Sun dots clouded his vision, but once they subsided, the familiar face of the Kaspbrack stood in front of his tall figure.

  "Oh, hey, Eds", Richie greeted, walking up to him. "Wanna go get some drums with us?"

  Eddie walked contently beside both Richie and Isaac, nodding in agreement. The same blue sleeves that once enveloped richies skinny arms were balled up in one of the small hands of Eddie, the other falling over the hand that held his clarinet case.

  Richie smiled at the sight of the little one wearing his hoodie. He didn't know why it brought so much euphoria to wash over him, but he always managed to bring a smile to Richie's face.

  His hand reached for the smaller one beside his, but his larger hand froze halfway. Eddie, of course, noticed this and couldn't help but feel the slightest bit upset. The one boy eddie had a crush on, if he would refer it to that, obviously didn't feel the same way back. So both teens looked forward and down the hallway, continuing the venture to the band room.

"Okay, here", Isaac told Richie and handed him the quads. "Here, shortie", he told Eddie, handing him the snare head.

"Hey, don't call him that", Richie defended Eddie while watching him balance the drum in his hands.

Both of Isaac's dark bushy eyebrows raised. "Sorry. Didn't mean to insult your boyfriend. My apologies"

A frown found its way upon Eddie soft pink lips at the harsh tone in the senior's words.


Isaac just shrugged, picking up the second snare and walking out of the way they had come in.

"I'm sorry, Eds. He can be a real dick sometimes"

Eddie just shrugged, a small sigh escaping his plump pink lips. The same lips that Richie felt the urge to kiss every time he was in the presence of the Kaspbrack.

Their feet carried them down the halls to the exit of the High School, the backs of their hands brushing as they did so. The soles of their shoe cladded feet hit against the linoleum, echoing off the metal lockers.

"Um, what do you have going on after school?", Richie asked the petite boy, looking down at his chocolate brown eyes.

Eddie looked up to meet Richie's, looking into his Coca-Cola swirled irises before answering.

"I don't have anything", Eddie shrugged, the snare drum stuffed in his arms bouncing with his step.

Richie's eyes lit up as he thought of the opportunity to have a day with Eddie.

"Well, why don't we do something? After school?"

"W-what?", Eddie asked him. No one really want to do anything with him. Ever. They all thought an unpopular asthmatic kid wasn't worth their time.

"Yeah. Like go to the movies or something?"

Eddie sweet strawberry lips upturned into a small smile, looking up at the lanky boy beside him. "I'd love to. Meet at the Aladdin?"

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