C H A P T E R 2

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"We're here," a woman with blonde hair called out to the back of her car, smiling as the kids all groaned as she had woken them from their sleep. It wasn't a short drive to Midtown School of Science and Technology from where they lived. A two hour drive, and they needed to get to scool by eight on a usual day, today was seven-thirty. So they had to leave at five-thirty to get to school on time. Luckily, they did.

"Why did you guys have to move to Upstate NY? Why not just stay at the Tower, Carol?" Rosalice asked, helping her younger sisters, Morgan and Renesmee, to grab their bags. When the blonde-haired girl shut the door, Carol rolled down her window so they could continue their conversation. They had around about fifteen minutes to kill, so they were fine. For now.

"Because," the woman started, looking at each of the Potts children in turn, "this way, we don't have any papparazi at our doors if Stark does anything stupid, huh? Then again," Carol added as a quick after thought, "everything Stark does is stupid."

"There seems to be much more feeling behind that than necessary, Aunt Carol," Harley and Peter commented as they joined their little brother and little sisters by the car. Carol hummed before pointing towards the yellow school bus that was waiting for them. "Huh? Oh, yeah! We best get going."

"Thanks for the lift, Aunt Carol!" The children called before six became two and four as they speperated into the correct groups. Peter, Harley, Renesmee and Rosalice headed towards the yellow vehicle whilst Morgan and Georgie headed towards the school building itself.

"Peter! Harely! Rosalice! Glad you guys could make it!" Ned exclaimed as the four once again separated into one and three. Rosalice, Peter and Harley headed over to Ned, MJ, and Flash whilst Renesmee headed towards the back of the bus to where her friends were.

"Any secret passages at the Compound?" Renesmee's best friend, Maya Akurito, asked. Renesmee thought for a quick second before shaking her head.

"No, there isn't. However, I think we're going through all of the buildings today. And there's.... Hold on." Turning towards the front, Renesmee called out to her oldest brother, Harley. "Hey, Harls?"

"Yea, Ness?" The boy called back, not looking at her as the bus started to make its way towards the Avengers Upstate NY Compound.

"How many buildings are there at the Compound again?" The girl asked, instantly blushing at the attention she received from asking that.

"We were there, like, two hours ago. How did you forget so quickly?" Peter asked, joining the conversation.

"Oh, I dunno, I might have fallen asleep! Something you two boys seem to forget you can do most nights!"

"Oh, shut it, you! You're worse than we are! Hanging around your dad all the time!" Rosalice added. Everyone watched in amusement and mild confusion as the siblings had a normal chat among themselves, forgetting people were with them.

"Hey, at least my dad has a degree to help me when I'm injured! Unlike your guys' dads!"

"I'm so confused, don't you guys share the same father? You know, Tony Stark?" Flash asked, looking between the siblings.

"We share the same dad, yeah, but we never met him. Mom appointed some people as our godfathers and godmothers in case she ever died and/or couldn't take care of us anymore or if she went on a business trip. My godfather is Bruce Banner, Peter's is Steve Rogers, Harley's is Rhodey Rhodes, Rosalice's is Clint Barton, Georgie's is Phil Coulson, and Morgan's is Happy Hogan. We share a godmother and then have sperate ones as well. Our shared godmother is our aunt, Carol Danvers. My other godmother is Natasah Romanoff, Peter's is Isabelle Rogers, Harley's is Hope Pym, Rosalice's is Laura Barton, Georgie's is Maria Hill, and Morgan's was May Parker." Renesmee answered truthfully. Everyone nodded, still not getting why they didn't know Tony Stark was their father. I mean, everyone knew, but them. It struck everyone as odd.

"Anyway. To answer your question, Ness, there's nine buidlings at the Compound. We're also spending two nights there before we all leave." Peter answered, returning the conversation back to what it originally was meant to be.

"Wait, why are we leaving the Compound on Sunday? Aren't we staying there till next Friday before going to see Grandma and Grandpa?" Rosalice asked, confused. Harley also looked at his brother in confusion, as he wasn't informed of this.

"Well, the reason why we aren't staying till next Friday like we had planned is beaucse Aunt Hope and her parents need help at their place. Mom said we were free to help them all of next week so we're staying with them down in North Carolina until next Sunday, then we'll come back and spend... three weeks? here before going to see Grandma and Grandpa." Peter replied, having to think about how long they were going to spend at the Compound before they visited the Cullen's again.

"What if something comes up when we're supposed to see Grandma and Grandpa? Like Stark trying to stop us from going like he did two months ago?" Esme asked, watching as her older brother shrugged. "Well, that really helped, Pete." He simply shrugged again causing the other three to laugh.

"I made you laugh! Ha! I win!" Peter exclaimed, causing the other three to groan.

"But, surely it doesn't count since Georgie and Morgan aren't here, right?" MJ asked, causing the other three Potts children to cheer. Peter sighed in defeat, nodding his head. "Ha." Everyone laughed as Peter pouted.

"Sucks to be you, Peter!"

"Likewise, Renesmee!"


"Your face is rude!"

"Okay, okay, enough. Honestly." Harley muttered before his eyes lit up and he quickly turned around causing the kid who sat behind them, a lump of a boy named Luce, to jump. "I just remembered! Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron, Uncle Nevielle, Uncle Draco and their families will be coming down today. They should be here by... ten o'clock, if I'm remembering correctly."

"Yes! I can't wait to talk to Rose about her studies again!"

"Finally! I need my Prank Bro."

"I need to talk to Aunt Hermione about something that Uncle Jasper said to me the other day over the phone."

"Mate, I need to see Scorp and Al again before I go nuts with the three of you!"


"What?" Harley asked, feinging innocence. "It's true."

"It is not! We are not that bad, Harls!" Peter argued, convinced they weren't. It went on like this for two hours before they arrived at the Compound, nine-thirty on the dot.

Book Four; The Next Leg of Her JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now