C H A P T E R 8

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Dragon awoke with a yawn, looking around to see the other four people with her, her best friends by now, still asleep. Sirius, in the form of Padfoot, was still snoring like a dog, giving soft whines every so often as he slept with his big, black head next to hers; James, in the form of Prongs, was shaking his head every so often, as if there was something on his snout that he couldn't get rid of as he slept in front of Remus and Dragon, as if to protect them if needed; Philip, in the form of Wormtail, was curled up on the top of Dragon's head and Remus was resting against Dragon's stomach with his arms crossed, head tilted downwards as he slept. For the first time in what felt like forever, Dragon felt safe. Nothing could harm her here, not when she had her friends at her sides. That was for sure.

After a while, Dragon noticed Remus stir next to her. With a yawn, he sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. "Mornin' Ness." He greeted, receiving a smile from 'Ness'. Oh, did I forget to mention? Dragon decided to trust the four boys with the fact that 'Dragon' was her. All of them were estatic to find out it was her, none more so than Sirius Black. "Sleep well?" Renesmee simply moved her eyes to where Wormtail slept on the top of her head with a look that said 'I-would-have-if-he-didn't-snore-so-loudly!'. It was quite funny, to be honest.

Remus simply chuckled, taking Wormtail off Renesmee's head which gave her the ability to stand up properly and shake out her wings. Quickly going behind a tree, the girl transformed into her human form, quickly pulling on the pair of clothes she had hidden behind that certain tree; a red velvety dress, a pair of black leggings, long grey socks, dark beige shoes, a red beanie, a pair of red gloves, a brown scarf and a black coat. With that, Renesmee came out from behind the tree to see the four boys up and changed already.

"Looking good, Ness!" James called, smiling towards his best female friend. Renesmee smiled back at him, grabbing her bag as the five of them headed towards the exit of the forest. Afterall, they did have school on that fine Monday morning in January. "What classes do we have today, my friends?" James asked as they walked, frost-coated leaves crunching under their feet.

"Well, we have Algebra first today, then it's Biology with the Avengers kids." Remus replied, throwing an arm around Renesmee's shoulders, as if to protect her. Most of the boys did that with her; protecting her from the curious glances, and sometimes suspicious ones from MJ, that the Potts children threw their way, especially when the boys used the girl's nickname, Starlight.

"Fun," James said with sarcasm dripping from his voice causing the others to chuckle as they made their way towards the subway station. Subsequently, it was the same subway that the Avengers kids got on for some odd reason. "So, do you think Nick's gonna call us or what?"

"I don't think he will." Remus replied honestly, sitting down next to Renesmee as they waited for their train. "I mean, the last time he called us was two months ago. And that was kind of a last resort type thing, remember?" Of course they did, how could they forget? Their little group of five was always second best to the Avengers, to their children.

"When do you think they'll see us for us?" Sirius asked frustratedly as he started to pace in front of his four best friends. "When will they see that we're not some stupid team that will always be there, that we have feelings? That we aren't just robots that will follow their every command? We're bloody humans, not bloody machines that will do their bloody biding!" Sirius sat down dejectedly, looking down at his hands that rested in his lap. "When will they see us as actual humans instead of a machine? When will they see us as children?"

"I don't know, Paddy. I want it to be soon, I really do, but I honestly doubt it. If anything, the only people that are going to see us as actual people, as actual children, are Steve and Bucky. I'm not entirely sure about the others, but this isn't our only shot to get noticed! We'll be better than them, much better! We'll show them that we don't need them, that we're better off without them!" Renesmee told them all as they got onto the train that would take them to their destination.

"On a much happier note, looks like Mr Know-It-All isn't here today," Philip commented, subtly motioning towards where the Potts children usually sat. The others looked over and noticed that Peter wasn't with the siblings today. That was... good? "Wonder where he is, don't you?"

"Maybe an attack. You know what he's like." Remus commented. The others nodded or hummed in agreement before lapsing into a comfortable silence that spoke louder than words; they were happy in each others company. Much happier than Renesmee had ever been in anyone else's company. About twenty minutes later, the two very different, yet similar, groups departed from the station. One lapsed into uncomfortable, tense silence whilst the other laughed joyously as they ran around. Well, as three of them ran around and two of them just chuckled at their friends antics, not joining in on their 'fun'.

"Come on, Nessa!" Philip called, trying to drag the two so they could get to the school faster to see their other friends who, unfortuantley, lived on the other side fo New York City to them.

Watching on with sad, defeated expressions as the sister who they had once been able to call 'their sister' ran off with other people she now classed as siblings, the Potts children watched as the five people in front of them ran towards the school gates and towards their other friends. It hurt, it really did, seeing the sister they had all grown so close to just forget about them and act as if they never existed to her before she met the four boys.

"Maybe it's for the best," their mother, Pepper Potts, had told them one night when they told her about the situation they had found themselves in. "Maybe it's for the best that she has different people to look after her now. I know it hurts, and it's going to for a long while, but this is the best thing for her. A new start, she doesn't have to worry about searching anymore."

"Why?" Morgan had asked, confused.

Pepper walked towards the kitchen with Rhodey before glancing back at them with a soft smile on her face, remembering when she had first seen Renesmee. "Because she's been found." With that, the mother had left the five out of six Potts children to think, knowing it would take them a while to get their heads around what their dear old Mother meant.

Even now, watching Renesmee hang out with new people and looking much happier than she did when she was with them, they still didn't get what Pepper had meant by 'she's been found'. What did she mean? Was it important? Or was it just something Pepper knew but knew that it would take a while for them to find out? Was she laying the path for them to find out on their own? Only time will tell, only time will tell.

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