C H A P T E R 7

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A year. That's how long she was gone for; a year. In a hope of seeing her again, Sirius had transferred from his original school to Midtown Tech along with his three friends, James, Remus and Philip. They stayed clear of Rosalice Potts and had attempted to find the girl Sirius had fallen head over heals for but with no luck. Where had she gone? Did she leave? Did something happen to her? The last time anyone had seen the young child was when the two schools were going to visit the Avengers Compound in Upstate New York.

"Mom?" Six-year-old Morgan Potts asked as she sat down with her mother one morning. Pepper hummed in response, fiddling with the blue orchid that her second oldest daughter had left along with the letter. "Will we ever see Nessie again?" Pepper sighed.

"I don't know, Morgan, I don't know. I hope we do, but I simply don't know." The mother of six, now five, responded as she held her youngest daughter close to her, stroking her hair gently. "I wish I did, but I don't." Morgan simply nodded, understanding that her mother simply couldn't tell her whether they would see their fellow family member again or if she was lost in time, never to be seen again.

Meanwhile in the woods near the Compound, a glistening white dragon watched the compound with caution. What was the dragon doing here? I simply wouldn't be able to tell you that. Their motive was unclear, even to me.

Seeming to give a burdend sigh, the dragon scanned the area as if to see if it was lear to take off. That was, however, before she heard a twig snap. Growling and crouching low to the ground, eyes forming slits, the white dragon watched as three animals and a boy stepped out of the shadows. A stag, a shaggy black dog, a rat that sat on the stag's back and a boy. Scars dotting the boy's face, one looking oddly fresh. "Prongs, Padfoot, go get some water and a rag. Wormtail, try and find some fish in the lake over there." The boy ordered, pointing to the respective places the animals were supposed to go.

After 'Prongs', 'Padfoot' and 'Wormtail' had left, the dragon continued to be on guard. "Hey, it's alright. It's nice to meet you, little one. I'm Remus," the boy, Remus, greeted gently as he kneeled on the ground. Scanning the body of the white dragon, Remus noticed the scars and cuts on the poor animal's body. Watching as Remus lightly touched the scar that trailed from the base of her neck to just above her right eye, the dragon rested her head on the scarred boy's lap with light blue eyes starring back at him.

A little while later, three boys appeared out of nowhere. Dragon got up and was about to fly away when Remus gently rested his hand on the top of her streamlined head. "Moony?" The boy with glasses and scruffy black hair asked, looking between the two. "Is... Is everything alright?"

"The poor thing's covered in scars!" The second boy, who looked very familiar to Dragon, exclaimed. That's when she remembered who it was; Sirius Black. That means that she was at the Avengers Compound in Upstate New York. Assessing this new information, Dragon hadn't notice that Sirius had approached her until his hand was resting upon her snout. She hadn't realised that she had closed her eyes until she opened them and saw the same stormy gray eyes starring back at her.

"You getting attatched there, Pads?" Remus asked as he came and stood next to Sirius and Dragon. Sirius breathed a laugh, not taking his eyes off of the gorgeous animal in front of him.

"She's just like her," he breathed, watching as Dragon chased Prongs around the small clearing they were in. "Exactly like her." Remus hummed, watching as the two chased each other before Dragon seemed to freeze.

Prongs, noticing this, stopped his gallop and trotted closer to the frozen animal. All the boys watched in awe and fascination as frost appeared where Dragon had previously stepped. She had ice powers? Or was it something more than that? Was she an elemental? Nobody in their little group knew, not yet at least. But they would, eventually.

Book Four; The Next Leg of Her JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now