C H A P T E R 9

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Time seemed to be ticking by slowly as the students in Mr Grammar's third hour Physics Class on a Monday waited for the announcement that he seemed to be rather excited for. "Okay class, as some of you remember last year, some of you were able to go on a field trip to Avengers Compound in Upstate New York." There were many people whispering excitedly to each other, all except nine students, four for a different reason than the other five. "Well, I am proud to announce that Mr Grammar's third hour Physics Class on a Monday will be going to tour the Compound!" This statement was met with many cheers.

However, with the cheers came the dread. Sirius, Remus, James, Philip, their friend Tom and Renesmee all shared a glance as they realised something. Renesmee was bound to get noticed by someone. Hopefully, that wouldn't come true.


And so the dreaded day came. Six students loaded the bus, all internally groaning as they saw the only available seats; right behind the Potts children. As they sat down, James and Sirius, Remus and Renesmee, Philip and Tom, Renesmee started to grumble under her breath. "Speak louder, we can't hear you Starry," Sirius teased, Tom chuckling along with Philip, Remus and James.

"Why, out of all the seats, did we have to sit here? Right behind them?" The girl complained. Remus chuckled lightly, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders. "Rem, why?"

"We had no choice. Everywhere else was taken, sweetheart." He replied honestly, laughing when she groaned again. James, who was sitting behind the two 'siblings', as they were known to the school and to the Orphanage they 'belonged' to, smiled as he watched the two be, as people called it, 'sibling goals'. In all honesty, James had to agree with everyone that the Lupin Duo were quite cute, especially when they were both equally tired after a full moon.

"James?" Sirius asked as they started to arrive, seeing the other school that had arrived, the one some of their friedns attended. James hummed in reply. "What if someone notices her?"

"No one will," the prankster immediately shot his 'brother' down, not wanting to agree with him that that was most likely what was going to happen. "If they do, we keep them as far away as humanly possible from her. Got it? We don't want anything to happen to her, not our Ickle Renesmee."

"Right. 'Cause 'Ickle Renesmee' can't look after herself," Renesmee joked, squeling as Sirius picked the girl up and lifted her onto his shoulders. "Sirius!" The girl laughed which caused many heads to turn their way as the laughter of a girl they hadn't heard from in what felt like an eternity, when in actuality it was only a year, was heard. Small smiles started to appear on the worker's faces, disappearing when they realised that the Avengers were probably looking through the cameras for their lost girl.

"What were you saying, Star?" Remus asked, a smug smile on his face. Tom laughed along with his friends, his family. Philip did as well, not feeling as included as he would of liked but he was okay with that. All he wanted was for his friends to be happy, that would be enough for him, more than enough for him.

"Oh shut it, Moon." This caused many more laughs from the other five boys before they immediately stopped as they noticed the two people had come out of the elevator and witnessed the girl having fun for once; Anthony Edward Stark and Virgina Pepper Potts. "Shit."

"Language, Esme!" Tom scolded as he helped the girl down from his brother's shoulders, wrapping an arm around her shoulders so that the two adults got the message 'touch-her-and-you-die'. Renesmee simply muttered a quick 'sorry' before the group of six lapsed into a comfortable silence as they joined the rest of their classmates near the front desk of the lobby.

Pepper made her way towards the group of six, wanting to see her daughter. Oh how she wanted to see her so bad, after a year of not seeing her. "Mom, what are you doing?" Harley asked in a whisper, noticing how Pepper's gaze kept drifting towards the six. Ah, so she found out. Not surprised, to be honest, Harley thought.

"I'm going to see my daughter." Was all Pepper responded with before heading towards the group of six that were joyously and carelessly talking with each other. Before Pepper was able to get their attention, however, she heard their conversation and immediately froze in her spot.

"Do you think they'll treat us like humans here or like the machines they've come to know?" That was Renesmee. Her sweet, little Renesmee.

"I don't know, hun," hun. That was the nickname Pepper always used, and now it was given to someone else. To a boy with handsome features, the boy who had his arm wrapped around her little girl's shoulders as if to protect her. "I'm hoping they don't. But we shouldn't worry about that, let's just focus on this trip. And hey, maybe we get lucky enough to find someone to adopt some of us, if not all of us."

"Ember's right; let's keep looking at the positives here. Albeit the negatives kinda outweigh the positives, don't they?" A boy with scarred skin replied.

"Way to be enthuisiastic, Moons." A boy with black hair that was tied in a messy bun joked.

"Shut up, Pads." 'Moons' also joked, playfully giving the boy a shove. "Shoot! Guys, our class is leaving!" With that, the laughing six ran towards their class not once noticing the woman they had left in the dust. To say Pepper was astounded by this news would be an understatement. She was absoloutley bewildered.

Book Four; The Next Leg of Her JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now