C H A P T E R 6

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Sirius sighed as he remembered the beautiful hazel brown eyes, the pale skin, the gorgeous chocolate brown hair that cascaded in beautiful waterfalls. "Sirius? Yoo-Hoo, Sirius!" The boy's best friend, James, said as he waved a hand in front of his friend's face, snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Huh? What?" He asked, confused. James simply pointed down to where Sirius had been sketching on the paper they were supposed to be taking notes on and saw that he had drawn something on it instead of taking the 'vital' notes. Looking at the sketch, the love-sick boy noticed that he had sketched a picture of the girl he had seen merely minutes before.

"You really like her, don't you?" James asked as they continued on their way, completely disregarding the fact that they were supposed to be taking notes on the pieces of paper they had received from their teacher when they got on the yellow school bus that morning. Sirius, not being able to do anything, simply nodded his head.

"You love sick, Pads?" The two boy's other friend, Remus Lupin, asked as he joined their conversation with another friend of theirs trailing behind them, Philip Pettigrew. Sirius, again, nodded as he glanced to his left and saw the same eyes again, this time making their way closer to him. Watching as Sirius started to straighten up subconsciously, the boys smirked at each other before returning their attention to the conversation going on between the two.

"Hi," Sirius greeted, the girl waving shyly in response. "I-I'm Sirius, Sirius Black. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." He held his hand out for a handshake that the girl went through with.

"I'm Renesmee Potts. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Sir." The girl, Renesmee, replied as a light blush coated both of their cheeks. "I-"

Barging into the conversation, another girl interrupted the two lovesick idiots. "Hi there, cutie~" The blonde-haired girl greeted, running her tongue across her teeth and biting her lip. "I'm Rosalice, what's your name?"

"Sirius." Sirius kept it short, already not liking the girl that had rudely shoved Renesmee to the side.

"Sirius, eh? I bet you can be frisky in bed, can't you? Or are you a little puppy in the sheets?" Rosalice asked, moving slightly closer to the poor, scared boy.

"Rosie, I think-"

"Not now, Rene!" Rosalice snapped, not taking her eyes of her prey - sorry, the boy - in front of her, trapped. "Can't you see I'm busy? Go bother somebody else, alright? Go bother Uncle Happy, just leave me and Sirius~ alone, got it?"

Renesmee simply nodded before leaving, looking longingly towards the boy. Why couldn't she be as forward as her twin was? Why couldn't she get boys like her sister could? It just wasn't fair anymore. She got their father's looks whilst Renesmee got her mother's, or so she's been told. To be truthful, neither of them look like their mother but they weren't about to say that to their mother's or any of their family members faces. Not in a million dreams. Besides, why should she care? It's not like Sirius is her's, not like she has any control over him. So why did she feel like this all of a sudden? Renesmee simply didn't know the answer to that question.

Catching up with her group, Renesmee saw Peter and Harley talking to MJ, Flash, Ned, Albus, James and Lily animatedly. Sighing, she knew she didn't fit in with her family anymore. Why did she ever think that she did? She was different. Completely and utterly different. She was the black swan, the albino wolf, the omega in a pack filled with alphas. She was the snow and they were the summer rays, she just didn't work with them. Maybe she should just... go back to where she came from; HYDRA. She fit in there, she didn't fit in here. She didn't fit in here with SHIELD, with the Avengers, with the heroes. She fit in with HYDRA, with the Winters, with the villains. Maybe she should just go and never return. It would be easier for everyone, right? Right? Of course it would.

Turning on her heel, the troubled girl headed towards the lobby with her mind racing. It always seemed to happen. She would get a simple thought and it would expand and expand and expand until it couldn't expand any more. Then it would take the form of positivity or negativity, normally it would form negativity like the thought she just had did. It had gotten to the point where she had convinced herself that there was no saving her, that there was no fitting in. Maybe her mind was right, maybe she should just leave. It would be for the better, wouldn't it? Wouldn't it?

Entering her bedroom in the Potts House, the girl looked around her room. Everything reminded her of something her and her siblings had gone through, something her and her mother did together, something her and her family did as that, a family. Maybe I shouldn't leave...

No, the girl thought, dismissing that thought with a gentle shake of her head. This is what's for the best, for everyone. Including Tony, her father. Sitting down at the desk in the corner of the bedroom, Renesmee started to write a letter to her family as to explain why she had disappeared all of a sudden.

My dearest family,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a mistake, I'm sorry for ruining your lives, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done. But I have to leave. I am not wanted here, this has become clear to me now. Truth is, I never was wanted here, by anyone. I know some of you might have wanted me to be here but I can't allow you to lie to yourselves any longer. I have to leave, for the sake of all of us. Just know that I don't blame you, any of you, for anything you've ever done.

Tony, I now want this letter to be given to you so you can read this. I forgive you. You're my father, and you will always be my father. Know that I love you, no matter what happens now or in the future. I love you, and nothing can ever change that. Just trust me, I'm doing this for the right reason.

None of you come looking for me, it will only end in innocent blood being spilt like last time. Just know that I love you and that I am safe and sound.

In your hearts forever and always,
Renesmee Potts

P.S. Just look for the orchids, you'll undersand what I mean when the time comes. I love you all 3000.

Finishing the letter, Renesmee transformed and flew out of her window after she had left a single blue orchid on top of said letter. It hurt, it truly did, to leave the family she had come to love. But she had to do this, for their safety and hers. They would track her down and find her and nothing she could or would do would stop them from hurting her family if she was there. So it was for the best she left. And so she did.

Flying into the slowly darkening sky, Renesmee Antonia Potts was gone from sight. Will she be seen again? Who knows? The Avenger Family sure don't.

Book Four; The Next Leg of Her JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now