C H A P T E R 12

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A month had passed since the trip to Upstate Avengers Compound and the six friends - Tom had transferred when his orphanage claimed that he 'was far too much for them to handle' and so he was transferred to their orphanage instead whch the other five were very happy about - were currently sat in their room back at the orphanage. Around the building, they were known as some of the most reserved kids there for reasons no one knew.

"Do you think today is the day?" Peter asked from where he sat cross-legged on the floor, back resting against his bed, and tweeting on his phone about what the entire group was doing. That boy was always on Twitter, much like Lin-Manuel Miranda was.

Sirius was lying across his bed on his back with James laying the opposite way so that his head was hanging off the side where Sirius' feet were and James' feet were hanging off where Sirius' head was. Tom was sat on his bed, trying to get their AP History work done which was on Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson and how different the two were. Remus was sat at the head of his bed, resting his back against the headboard with his head buried in How To Kill a Mockingbird, whilst Renesmee sat at the foot of his bed by the trunk with her feet on his lap and reading Harry Potter; The Prisoner of Azkaban.

"Don't know Pete, it might be." Tom replied, quickly jotting down a fact about Jefferson and Hamilton's relationship during their times in government and being a part of Washington's cabinet. "But I don't think we should get our hopes up just yet. We still have to wait up until we're eighteen to leave this dump anyway."

"Yeah, that's, like, five years away yet. We're twelve now, we have to wait five whole boring ass years until we can leave this sorry excuse of a housing area." James commented, scrolling through Instagram on his phone and liking some of the posts some people he followed had posted. Just when the room had fallen quite, it was interrupted by James crashing to the floor which caused everyone to look towards him with concern. Peter stood up from where he sat, closest to the accident-prone boy; Tom put his homework aside; Sirius did a backwards walkover before laying on his stomach across the bed, bursting out laughing when he saw the position the boy had landed in before falling off himself - face first; Remus and Renesmee put their books down and quickly transferred to Tom's bed which was closest to Sirius'.

"Prongs, what the heck?" Tom asked with pure confusion on his face and in his voice. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. Umm, it was just a post I saw," James explained, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.

"What was it?" Peter asked, putting his phone on his bedside table.

"T-Two of the Avengers are coming to adopt some kids, and there's a picture of our orphanage attached. Look!" The speckled boy exclaimed, showing his friends/roommates/family his phone. The others all looked at each other, eyes wide with slight panic.

"What if... What if today's our day?"

"To be adopted by them?" Renesmee asked with pure disgust in her voice when she said 'them'.

"What's so wrong with the Avengers? Why do you hate them so much, sis?" Remus asked his 'twin' in confusion. She had never explained why she didn't like that certain team. They had always thought it was because they were always compared to the team and to their kids when they failed on missions or succeeded in it; they would always be compared to the two teams.

"They're overrated. If people cared about their own safety, there would be no point of having them in the first place! The only reason that team exist, that they exist, is because of a mistake that they had made in the first place!" Renesmee spat, glaring at the picture across from her. She hated - no, detested - the Avengers. 'Earth's Mightiest Heores'. Pfft, yeah right.

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