Adapting to the End of the World

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Run. That was all she could do. Run from the fighting and ice attacks aimed to kill. The kitchen knife she had found in one of the abandoned houses was her only close range weapon, but it wouldn't do much against the sneasels, snovers, and medichams chasing her. She also had a bow and arrow that she had bought prior to the world going to hell, but it was long range. Jordan took an arrow out of her quiver. She knocked it in the bow and prepared to shoot as she kept running.

She stumbled through the snow, and almost lost her footing. After so many outings, she was able to move with more ease through the snow, but she was still no expert.

The route was one she knew well. She had traversed it too many times to count.

Acuity Lakefront, any more surprises for me?

The girl was able to dodge more attacks aimed at her. She was able to get ahead of the pokémon, and decided that it was time to take a few shots at them.

Ok Jordan, just breathe.

She pulled the arrow back, and released. The arrow hit the medicham, and it fell. Jordan smiled — the croagunk poison was doing its work. Jordan shot a few more arrows, and more pokémon fell. Once she had killed a few of them, the rest decided to retreat.

Jordan continued on the way to Snowpoint City. When she made it there, the gate opened for her. She quickly waved her thanks and kept walking through the city.

There were many people running around, trying to distribute blankets and food. There were houses that were in good shape, but not many people could stay there. A lot of the houses were destroyed when pokémon started attacking. Without the help of electric pokémon, energy was a thing of the past. The city didn't have much to generate electricity, forcing them to go without. Snowpoint City was never one to use a lot of power — their power use always went up in the winter when it started to snow.

And it was close to that time again. The people taking shelter in Snowpoint would have to be very careful not to freeze to death during the months of winter. They were going to have to cut back on food even more. It would be a miracle if they survived this.

Jordan finally arrived at the gym. She entered, and traversed the path of ice she knew well. She reached the end, and looked around.

"Candice!" she shouted. "I'm back and have a report!"

Jordan kept looking around the city, but Candice was nowhere to be seen. Jordan crossed her arms, trying to think of where the former gym leader had gone. Jordan sighed, and sat down. She couldn't stop thinking about when she went to the gym and received her own gym badge from there. Jordan put her head in her hands. "Why did things have to change?"

Jordan and her pokémon looked at an egg. She looked at her weavile and smiled.

"Isn't this great Silvester? It looks like it might hatch soon!"


Her empoleon cheered as well. The egg started to glow, and Jordan blocked her eyes from the bright light. When she opened them again, there was a small eevee in her arms.

"So cute!" Jordan pet the cubchoo's head. "Guys, this is awesome! This is the newest member of our team!"

The eevee looked up at her and smiled. "Eeepauu!"

Jordan smiled and pet the pokémon's head. "All I have to do now is come up with a name for you..." She closed her eyes for a few moments in thought. "Olwen."

The eevee cheered. She liked the name. Jordan nodded, and stood up with Olwen in her arms. The trainer looked at her two pokémon. "How about we go challenge that gym now?"

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