chapter 8💕

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Mattias pov:

It had been 3 hours and he still hadn't woke up i was panicking so bad the others where aswell it was 3 am we where all so tired but didnt wanna go to sleep.


Kairis pov:
I was so worried about my best friend my heart hurt from how much i had been crying i still hadn't stopped.


Roshauns pov:
My heart ached i don't think I'd ever cried this much before all i wanted was him to be okay
Because if he didnt make it ...
I dont think i could live anymore he's like a little brother to me😪


Roberts pov:
We all sat crying it had nearly been 4 hours and i was hoping time would go slowly. I didnt wanna lose my best friend my heart sank as i sat there looking at him thinking about all the memories we've had.


Alejandros pov:
I cried and cried it felt like my heart had shattered into a million tiny pieces i want him to wake up i really do i can't imagine my life without him
"Can you remember when we all got the flu and he looked after us pretending to be our mum that time i spoke with pain in my voice
We all talked about the funny and amazing memories we've had with him 5 minutes left
we all hugged alvaro as he was sleeping and closed our eyes
Then mattia sighed "i never got to tell him that i -

Mattia got cut off by


Waking up and asking where he is.....

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