Piper's Birthday pt 1

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Jason's POV

Whew. Today is Piper's birthday and everyone here is helping with the surprise party we are throwing for her. Even Chiron is in on it. So here is the plan. Wait....nevermind i can't tell you.You might snitch to piper.I saw Annabeth walking away from Percy with a look of anger on her face.That's weird i thought they are normally 'The ideal couple' I shrugged it off and went back to getting the party ready.

3 hours later

I walked into my cabin hoping the surprise would be great.I looked around and saw my sister sitting cross-legged on her sleeping couch.Its been 6 years since her boyfriend was thrown into Tartarus and she was kicked out of the hunt.She looked so different now.She let her hair grow out and now she has long black silly hair going all the way down to her back.She also had several blue streaks and electricity was sparking around her body.3 years ago she went into the pit alone.She was gone for 2 years and somehow she was sane.Shows you how much of a bad ass she is.She didn't find him but something about her changed.It was like she became insanely powerful.And her lightning was purple not blue like mine.
".....hey sparky I'm talking to you"
I snapped our of my thoughts and looked at her.I apologized and smiled sheepishly.Then we started talking and joking around.It felt good to see her smiling again.but me being the dumbass i am had to say something stupid.
"So jason how are the kids"She joked
"Oh their fine sparkette"
Suddenly her smile disappeared and her face contorted to a look of pain.I realized i had called her he name Lione used to call her.
"I....i-i gotta go"she said tears threatening to spill down her face.
"Thalia im sor-" i started but she was already gone.
I sighed in defeat.I had to go make the final preparations for Piper's birthday.The whole thing will go down at 9pm tomorrow.

Timeskip The next day at 8pm

I cant believe its only 1 hour till the plan starts.I've got everyone in their positions.I just hope Percy comes through with everything that is happening with him and Annabeth. I mean i she did try to seduce me on the argo once...or twice...or three times but that was only because she was lonely and very seductive.I think it also has to do with that thing she put in my drink but oh well.Nobody might want to say this to her face but i think she is a power hungry slutty whore. I don't know why she cheated on Percy with the others 9 guys. but i hope he's OK.

Percy's POV

I cant believe Annabeth.First she cheats on me then when i ask her about it she tells me its been more than one guy and then breaks up with me.Im leaving camp for a few days to visit my mom and clear my head but this is only after we make sure pipes has the best birthday ever.


Jason asked me to meet him at the beach at 9.I wonder what's going on....

Hi guys i know its been a while but I've been kinda busy.Hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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