oo an opportunity to humiliate don't mind if I do

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Delta's POV

Aaaah, This Ice cream sundae is so good. If I was a famous star being watched then people would probably be wondering how I got Ice cream in space. But well... That's my secret. I got a job to do so I'd better stop lying around. Honestly, job requests now days are just kill kill kill. But I mean I guess I am an assassin so I can't really complain. I hopped off the roof I was enjoying my sundae on and landed in a back alley near the assassination site. Planet Thyrm was is a pretty nice planet to be on, the local food was great and the Thrmins were nice people. One of the only planets that are actually "peaceful" So its pretty weird someone wants someone dead. Ah well, It isn't my job to wonder why people should be killed. I just kill. I strolled into my target's house and walked up the stairs to his room where he was sleeping peacefully. For someone being charged with scamming and fraud, he seemed to not have a care in the world. I sliced his head cleanly of his shoulders and bagged it before it could disintegrate. I teleported to Lyrnx and handed my client his head. "My pay?" I ask.

"Oh right her..." He Starts and then bolts off. Why do these people think they can outrun me. Honestly its pissing me off. I bolt traveled (Basically where I turn my body into electric currents and can either run to or insta teleport to places) I appeared in front of him gazing at his scared expression.

"What was the point in runnin man, I have half a mind to kill you right here and now. So tell me why should I"

He blubbered some shit about him being broke but frankly, I wasn't In the mood so I sliced off his head and took my cash from his mobile bank. Smart right. Bleep Bleep  Huh why is my pager beeping. Another job already? What's this... there's gonna be a battle royal for all the able warriors around. This should be fun after all there's nothing I'm doing at the moment, it will also be great training cant be taking wounds like I did in that job with the dude even though I was just careless. And I'll turn my requests off so they will be no interruptions. Its a plan then. I stroll down the busy streets of lyrnx heading for a bus stop. I could bolt travel there but i dont feel like it. I hopped on the bus and took the back seat. I was not tired at all but somehow i felt the darkness consuming me.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Gefe emofem hitem" I sat up straight translating what he said. "this is your stop" 

"lihete"(Thank you) I responded back.

I hopped off the bus and strolled down the path to the arena, taking in the view. It was nice for a leisurely walk but of course, all good things must come to an end. I walked in and registered at the Front desk not really caring or bothering to be formal just straight up told the woman at the desk my name and strolled past her. The way this place was set up was like a tower system. You fight your way to the top and with every floor you get to your pay increases. You can fight your opponent at any time you want during that week if it exceeds you get bumped down a level so it kind of gives you a deadline. If you take 5 losses before you meet the required wins you get bumped down a level and your pay reduces. Seems pretty legit. It has a hotel too so I guess ill stay here for a bit even though I'm already stinkin rich from all my assassination jobs. Walking past some of the rooms I could hear people making bets on who was going to win what match and sighed. This was going to be a long month of Training.

And Done

Alright ik its been a while but I met a guy called procrastination and he and I became really good friends. But I have some great news. I'll be updating a lot frequently and with longer chapters to cover more because I had a new idea for a book and wanted to finish this first.

Before I start uploading more I'll be going back to edit old chapters and fix things. As for Delta's Abilities, they will be explained at a Later chapter

As for Percy well yall will see my plans for him.

Ik this chapter was extremely short but I felt like I needed to get this out before I really started cracking down sorry about that.

Ill also kind of explain Where Delta is on a Power scale compared to others and Yes our favorite spawn of the sea will be stronger than him after all this is their story.

 I will be updating whenever I feel chapters are ready and if I have any spare time I will push out chapters early and start working on the next one. If a chapter is Delayed then ill try to push it out less than a day after but not guaranteed cus of school yk.

Erm i know I kind of started this story off with oc x thalia but I kind of have a better idea for thalia so I'm gonna change that.... Changed my mind I'm gonna keep it that way :D

Anyways ill see yall on the next one


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