I nearly died for the 600th Time

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His second tentacle ready to pierce me as well. I looked around not knowing what to do. I looked back at him and growled seeing his victorious smirk. and he swung.

Current Time

Delta's POV

I closed my eyes and waited...

Waited for the pain of my head being removed to come. But it never did. I looked up to see his feral grin. and I waited for the pain again. I could see him still moving but it was almost as if he was in slow motion. I looked around wondering what in the hell had happened. I stared him down in the face and then moved back hoping for a reaction of some sort but nothing came. Hm, I looked outside to see a gryphon practically suspended in mid-air. It looked like it was moving but just really slowly. Wait... DID I SLOW DOWN TIME???? I did not think my evolution would give me time powers but it seems so. but wait... shouldn't I have unlocked this during my training or is there something else going on.... maybe time did not slow down but I simply got faster.. but that shouldn't be possible. Oh well I mean I shouldn't be possible either. I turned back to face him his gengou was halfway to where my head should've been. I summoned Lemos in dragon blade form, It was a long black blade with a silver hilt and a dragon head on the grip, simply because of the density of their skin. I looped off his head and summoned my other sword Atrias and stabbed his head absorbing his essence I mean dragons gotta eat right. I looked around taking one last look at the room we were in. It super bland but what would I expect. Walking around the house I felt a tingling sensation in my gut. Suddenly my body jerked backward narrowly dodging a tentacle. I turned to face the decapitated body of the Erlull. Damn, I forgot to absorb the body. They are basically like the undead. They can move without their heads every kill they get give them a piece of their bodies back. A black portal appeared beside me and a large black blade (I'll post a picture of it at the end of the chapter) and swing it diagonally slashing off an incoming tentacle. Then he lunged at me slashing 2 of his tentacles at me. Swinging my sword in an arc I cut them up like grass and slashed the body splitting it in two. I summoned Atrias and absorbed him for the second time.

5 minutes later

Assasins hub

"Yo I'm here for my cash Jerry" 

You see the pager could pay it into my account but this particular client insisted on meeting face to face to "Thank me". I walked into the bar and noticed it was empty.

"Jerry!" I called out. Jerry was the bar owner.

I heightened my senses and smelt blood coming from the back room. Walking over there I noticed the glass shattered on the floor. Huh, that's weird this room is locked. I kicked it down and suddenly got hit by something. I rolled out of the way to dodge a blade. And there it was. In all its Glory. A f*ckin Nonzok. Damn I didn't sign up for this

Third Person Pov

Delta lunged towards the reptilian jaguar thing summoning his sword halfway towards it. It shot out a couple of blades from its claws and blocked the attack. It slashed downwards trying to slice him in two. keyword trying. It was extremely clumsy and fast. Not a good combination for a Swordsman/Blade user. Delta Desummoned his sword and summoned his Large sword Lethos(Just gonna call it this so I don't have to keep saying large black sword. p.s if u didn't know its the sword from before) blocking its attack midway and looping of its arm absorbing his essence and effectively killing it. You see Lethos is made from a metal that tends to absorb life force and make the user stronger. The stronger the opponent and essence the stronger the wielder. The only reason it didn't fit with Delta's dual wielder style was because of how big it was. With it killed Delta walked carefully towards the door he was flung from. He saw the mutilated body of Jerry and a Zirqad (The same creatures from earlier that had the gengou's) eating his.... pieces.

"FBI OPEN UP, ha I'm just kidding we are in space so there is no FBI anyways step away from the dead bartender or ill kill you before u can blink you, twisted son of a b*tch"

It looked up at him. Growling and hunching downwards. It lunged at him

" Dammit why do they always lunge at me, Can't we just talk about this" He pondered dodging three strikes from it. "Alright let's try that ability again"

Slowing down his heart rate and focusing on everything around him Delta increased his overall body speed. White lighting sparked around his body for a couple of seconds before disappearing. He took 3 steps forwards sliced the monster into 3000 pieces and burned it with black conjured flames then followed up by- You know what let's just say he absolutely destroyed it. He then returned back to his spot before he killed it and slowed down his body. To the normal eye, it looked like the monster lunged at him and suddenly became ashes.

"Jerry... Dammit, you did not have to die, And I did not even get paid. Oh well, it's a good thing I didn't burn his pager" He quickly paid himself the money in full plus 50% for what he calls "causing trouble for me" and walked out the door. He walked out of the bar only to be surrounded by over fifty soldiers.

"F*ck I forgot about my three billion credits bounty"

There were millions of ways this could go. Delta atom travels out but then gets a universal criminal warrant on himself, He uses his new Godspeed ability(That's what he calls it) and also gets a criminal warrant. He could kill them all by using his eyes but then the force would be wondering what the hell happened to the fifty armored warriors they sent. Suddenly every single warrior collapsed and the moons seemed to take on the same ripple patterned shape as Delta's eyes. The strongest of Delta's abilities which he received as a gift from chaos it gives him thousands of abilities one of them being illusions and memory altering. He altered the memories of every single person in the Solar system except Diana, his other friend and Chaos, and her armies simply because she was more powerful than me. The only downside is now she knew where he was and was homing in fast.


"Hey, mistress Chaos... Bye mistress Chaos" he said with a shit-eating grin and atom traveled away.



That's the sword. I couldn't make the picture smaller lol.

New chapter y'all. So as for the next chapter Its either gonna drop on Wednesday or Next week Friday depending on my schedule. And let me just say Percy is gonna revisit an unpleasant place. I'm also gonna edit the breakup because I feel like it was kinda rushed. Tell me if you guys think I should before the next chapter drops because ill drop the edit and the chapter at the same time. Anyways ill see y'all next time.

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