Suga- My OnE AnD OnLy (last)

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"Alright miss, here is your medicine. Please eat it" A nurse said while giving (y/n) her medicines.

The girl refused to eat it as she pushed away the medicines and kept staring out at the window. Feeling sympathy for her, I took the medicines from the nurse and put it in her palm.

Slowly, she looked down at her palm. Her eyes showed dullness, thanks to the horrifying years she had been through. She is still looking thin just like when we found her.

"Please eat this, Miss (y/n)" I said to her.

She nodded and ate the medicines. I take the glass water from the nurse and gave it to her. She took it slowly and drank it. I gave a relieved smile, watching her finishing her drink. She gave me back the glass and continue looking out the window.

"Miss (y/n), I came here to tell you a good news" I said straight to the point.


"That psychopath is finally behind bars. Rest assured you will never see him again"

She turns her head to me. Her eyes fills with rage. Her face scrunched. This is the first time I saw her reactions since she suddenly disappeared. Even when we found her, she didn't give any reaction. She just keep muttering, 'Help me, murderer at house'.

"I will never see him again?" She asked angrily.

I nodded with a straight face.

She started to laugh manically. She kept laughing like there was something really funny. I just watched her with no emotions. I bet my partner is surprised by this.

"He is HERE! He is EVERYWHERE! In my dreams, when I took a shower, when I eat, when I'm going to sleep, he will always be here watching me with craziness in his eyes piercing through me. Telling me I will always be his. That I can't run from him!" She kept laughing as tears flows out.

Then, she became quiet. She starts to cry and whimper. I gave her my napkin to wipe her tears. She took it and looked at me. Her eyes went wide. She gave a weird smile as she began to laugh again.

"He's here! Look he is behind you!" She laughed again.

I turned around only to see there was nobody but my partner with a scared look on his face. I shake my head slowly.

"He is still here. He is still here. He is still here" She whimpers as she starts to cry again.

I looked at her. She is broken. He broke her for good. If there is a way for you to be your old self again, I will try my best to help you. I'm sorry for this to happen to you. If I had known earlier, I might save you in time.

"Detective Jennie, it's time for you to leave" the nurse said.

I looked at the nurse who is trying to calm (y/n) down. I let out a sigh with a sad smile. I nodded.

"I'll come visit again this Saturday" I said and left the room.

Her laughs and cries echoes through the corridor. Suddenly, someone pat me on my shoulder. I glanced at my partner, Detective Baekhyun. He just transferred to the station a week ago and was assigned to be my partner. He is completely clueless about this case.

"I can guess what you are thinking right now" I said

He looks embarrassed for a second.

"What happened to her?" He finally asks.

I looked at him straight in the eyes. My lips curved into another smile unconsciously.

"Wanna go for a dinner?"

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