Namjoon-Ah... It's broken

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"Namjoonie!!" I cried out loud.

I paced around the room with heavy breathing. I have been searching for it for more than two hours now! Where could it be? I thought I put it on the table but clearly, it vanished to thin air.

"Amelia, what's up? What happened?" Namjoon burst out from his room.

"It's missing" I muttered, embarrassed.

"What?" He asked

I let out a sigh and tried my best to overcome this embarrassment. If he found out I misplaced my things again, he would definitely be mad. Worst, he might bring it up whenever he can.

"My... iPod... It's missing" I mumbled.

"Eh??? It's missing again??" He looked at me in disbelief.

I knew I should just go buy some new ones but I'm really in a tight budget. My face becomes flushed.

"Do you happened to see it?" I asked while looking away from him.

He thinks for a while. He walks around the room as he is in deep thought. I just prayed he won't break anything while he's walking around the room.

"Wait, I think I do" He looked at me cheerfully.

Instantly, I can feel the hope that seemed to vanish half an hour ago came creeping back. I eagerly waited for him to continue.

"It's... Right here" He brought out an iPod from his back pocket.

With an eerie grin, he continued,

"I saw it lying around here for a couple of days, so I thought about selling it to eBay"

"Nonononono!!! It's mine, please give it back!" I wailed while running towards him.

I tried to grab the iPod from his grasp but he quickly raised his hand so I can't reach for it. I jump around to get the iPod but it was crystal clear I can't even manage to surpass his shoulder even if I jump high enough.

"Meanie! Give it back!" I plead tears prick at the corner of my eyes.

"Well, I could do that... With a trade" he smiled wickedly.

Oh god, why did I have a friend like him? I ran my hand through my brown hair and caramel highlights as I think about the offer.

"Fine. Just tell me" I pouted as he cheers victoriously.

"Ok...hmm... I want you to-" suddenly my eyes caught something flying behind Namjoon's head.

A loud thud and cracks can be heard once the object landed on the cold ground. Both eyes are on the shattered iPod that was accidentally thrown by Namjoon while he was swinging his hand.

"Ah... it's broken" Namjoon said as he observed the broken iPod.

My heart went into a million pieces. My beloved iPod is broken. I just witness a murder on my beloved iPod. I bought this iPod with my own money and I even haven't finished paid it yet.

This time my tears didn't hold back.

" iPod"

"Amelia! I'm really sorry! Please forgive me! I'll buy you a new one, ok?" he said, panic seeing me cry.

I didn't answer him. My thoughts were clouded with the sweet memories that the iPod had brought me. Now it's lying there broken.

All of a sudden, Namjoon pull me into a warm embrace. He pats me slowly, muttering I'm sorry.

"I'm really sorry. Please stop crying. I'll do anything" he whispers.

"A new iPod and a lifetime supply of BTS merch and albums" I demanded in a hoarse voice.


I smiled a little as I break our hug. I wipe my tears while heading to get a broom to clean the mess.

"Wait, I'll do that. You just sit here" he said, ushering me to sit on the sofa.

"If you say so" I gave a childish smile


A: Author nim imnida. Is that right? So, how was it? Was it ok? It's been a long time since I wrote stuff so my writing style is rusty(?). I really hope this will satisfy Meh_name_is_amelia request. Sorry if it is not what you expected. Imma head out first. Ciao

Bye bye my lovelies❤️💛💙

Coming up, Jimin-Where do pretty dolls go?

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