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It is 2103. The world is divided, and the population has dwindled due to wars, climate change and infertility. In some places, conservative groups have gained control. The ones who hold power are old men, who head large households. Only they have the right to vote and make decisions. They take multiple wives and use their daughters to gain wealth and alliances. The sons of the most powerful take an academic career, while the rest are sold and traded into private armies to protect the lifestyle of the leaders. The young men who survive go on to become the next generation of household heads.

As Jess gazed out over the guests at her wedding, one in particular caught her eye. Her heart lurched and she felt her body growing hot with desire. 'I wish he would come over here and kiss me in front of the entire community' she thought. Then, she felt hot shame as she remembered the passion that had passed between the two of them one night, when they had secretly been together. She pushed the feeling down.

Her scandal had rocked her family and threatened to ruin her reputation even if no one really knew what had happened. Even now, a shadow was cast over her and many were watching for the sign that she was fallen. A fallen woman was despised and cast out of the community. Jess had heard whispers that a fallen woman had no friends and could only earn money by satisfying the lust of strangers. It was a job that was dangerous and only for the lowest women in their society. Jess shuddered at the thought of such a disgrace. That was not who she was at all. She was a great beauty and she longed to be elevated before her family. She thought that if she played by the rules of her society, she would gain honour and power.

Although her body was sore from an accident, and her back ached from the punishment inflicted by her father, Jess supposed she would be able to bear it. Today she was about to marry a perfect husband. A man who was rich and powerful. A man who would elevate her status as well as that of her entire family. She was to be his eighteenth wife, as well as his youngest and most beautiful one. That meant he would surely favour her over his other wives especially if she pleased him, and Jess fully intended to please him, if it got her what she wanted. Under her long and heavy veils she smiled to herself. Despite her feelings for Adriel she would marry Jabez, a man who was old but still quite attractive. Plus, she had a plan. When he took her to his bed, she would imagine the hard body and face of Adriel. As she thought about Adriel, it caused a strange fluttering feeling in her stomach and lower regions, which would make her time with the old man bearable. She had enough memories to be the perfect wife and mother in a large, dignified household.

Her plan was good. It seemed perfect. Yet, somewhere in the back of her mind was a nagging suspicion that she would not forget Adriel. In the next few weeks, he would be sent away. Soon he would be at the frontlines of the war effort, protecting their way of life from intruders who did not agree with the way her society treated women like cattle to be bought and sold. She doubted he would return. Many young men did not return and those who did were often injured or broken in other ways. It was another reason she needed to marry well. A powerful husband would offer protection, both for herself and for her younger siblings. It would give her sister an opportunity to marry up and her brother would be protected from the war requirements.

While she was deep in these thoughts, she didn't notice Adriel approaching her bridal party through the crowd and his voice speaking quietly but directly to her.

"Jess! you know this is wrong, you have to stop this" he called with desperation.

Jess tried to recoil back, but he was swift and strong and passed through the crowd like they were nothing. He was suddenly by her side and the maidens around her gasped at the sheer size and power of his body. Jess felt her legs go weak. She also felt fear of what would happen if others thought there was something going on between them. She turned her head away from him and quickly pushed her girls forward to start the marriage ceremony. Let them think he was another critic who wanted to stop the wedding because he didn't like her.

He never took his eyes off her, but she pretended not to see or hear him. The feelings that were swirling inside her were too much to deal with at this moment and she needed to get away. With a loud blast the trumpets announced that the ceremony was beginning, and the front maidens had already started walking towards the wedding platform. Only Jess and her half-sister remained. Adriel leaned into the veiled face of Jess. 

"I promise I will be back to find you and make you mine by any means possible" Adriel whispered.

Jess could not answer. She turned and began walking towards the man she would marry, and away from the man she loved.

Falling for the Wrong Man (Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now