Chapter five - Two days before the Wedding

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Two days later

Lydia moved uncomfortably around her quarters trying to tidy up the rooms. Although she felt pain with each step and when she sat down, she was also delighted with herself and the turn of events. For the last two nights, Abner had taken her to his bed for reproof and discipline. His normal rotation of wives had been abandoned in her favour. Since he was not able to further discipline Jess for her misadventure, he had decided to give all the punishment to Lydia, her mother. And to Lydia he gave strong correction. Her discipline would serve as an example to the other women and show the other men in the community that Abner was a man who had his household under control. He was not a man that women could make a fool out of.

Each day leading up to the wedding of Jess and her half-sister Chloe, Abner was reminded of how weak he had appeared. First, Chloe had brazenly gazed at the married men who were engaged in the sacred ceremony of bidding for a bridal contract. It was as if she seemed to think had a right to choose a husband for herself. Then Jess, his most valuable and pure daughter had disappeared outdoors all night. Although she swore to him that she had been alone, there were doubts swirling and gossipy busybodies telling tales in an effort to bring his household down. He counted two more days and nights before the wedding and he spent them in agitation, ready to have a fit if anything else went wrong. The women in his household cowered as he stormed around and stared at them with anger.

The other wives looked at Lydia with sympathetic eyes. Abner had not been a man of discipline prior to these events. The women clamoured for his attention and he was not overly excited by them. His vigorous and regular schedule of bed partners drained his energy and he tended to be a lazy and selfish lover. Suddenly, things had changed. The law of their society encouraged order and discipline for the unruly. A good husband was defined as one who ruled his women with an iron fist. In fact, up to now, most of Abner's wives considered themselves fortunate to have a lazy husband who was quickly satisfied for little effort. Lydia was one of the few wives who missed sharing marital favour with her husband. She had not been required in his bed the last eight years. Since she had birthed him a son, he had given her time off the schedule to recover and never bothered to put her back on. But now, things had changed.

Lydia had his full attention and he couldn't get her out of his head. During this stressful period, spanking her had become his release. The law prescribed that a husband had to discipline his wives to an appropriate degree. It also decreed that after a good spanking or caning, a wife be placed in her room alone to reflect on her poor conduct and make the needed changes. A man was not to have intercourse with his wife during her chastisement as it could be seen as a reward.

Unfortunately for Abner, when he began spanking his wife on her bare behind, he became highly aroused. He was unable to control his lust when he saw the contrast of the red marks from his hands against his wife's soft skin which in turn surrounded her intimate pink folds. Seeing her vulnerability laid open to him, electrified and provoked him. The bent over position that he required Lydia to assume, gave him a direct view of her delicate lady parts and the excitement he felt overwhelmed him and inflamed him with passion. As he distributed the punishment that was his duty, his wife cried loudly and encouraged his efforts. Her moans and lack of inhibition drove him over the edge. It almost seemed like she wanted him to give her these harsh attentions, like she was enjoying the humiliation of displaying her private parts to him for castigation. Although he tried to leave her alone after a spanking, he could not stop himself from vigorously taking her from behind. His lust was only sated with his release. His lack of control excited him greatly and now, every day, all he could think about was Lydia and when he would next be able to take her to his bedroom and punish her further. Last night had been no exception, Lydia thought rubbing her sore behind. She loved being the itch he needed to scratch.

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