Chapter Seven - The beginning of a new life with Jabez

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Jess woke early and felt confused. It took a moment to remember where she was. The room was simple, featuring wood and white, gauzy fabrics. The walls were bare, and a single wardrobe held a variety of clothes and shoes she had yet to explore. She was in her bedroom within the house of Jabez and she was now his wife. Jess thought back to the day before. Adriel had been frantic before the wedding started, but once she walked up the aisle he left, and she had not seen him again for the rest of the day. Her heart felt broken, but she sat up in bed and decided it was not the time to think about Adriel. She needed to get up and dress for the day. She needed to see how this household was run and get to know the other wives. The other wives. She almost blushed as she thought back to the wedding night and how exposed she had felt.

After everyone returned from the wedding reception, Jess was required to appear before Jabez in his chambers. The other wives filed into the room as a group and stood beside the bed watching the events unfold. In each corner, a matron stood, marking the event as official and to ensure the purity and progress of the wedding night.

Jess stood at the end of the bed. Her sister Chloe stood beside her. The two girls looked at each other, still dressed in the beautiful wedding dresses their mothers had worked so hard to create for this event. Soon the women all moved into order and silence as Jabez entered his chambers. The women were not to talk or make distractions on this serious occasion.

Jabez looked the women over with a scrutinising eye. He was a very particular man and not many knew the things he liked, his kinks he liked to call them. Both women were very attractive. Jess was the obvious stand out, with large breasts and a gorgeous face. She was the type of woman any man would want Jabez thought to himself, and that is exactly why he had contracted her. A woman like Jess would only be purchased by a virile, hot-blooded man. A man who liked the female sex to be showy and beautiful, for everyone to notice. A man who liked a feminine woman. A man who liked Jess, was a masculine man according to others. A man who liked boobs and thighs, was the right type of man for their society and for taking over his father's estate. A man who would father many children and keep his women in order, providing sons for the war and girls for marriages.

Jabez needed Jess to show his community that he was such a masculine man who could run his father's household in an appropriate manner. Yet, secretly Jabez was not this type of man. He was not a man who particularly liked women and the trade in women his society had created.

Jabez preferred Chloe.

Chloe was thin and fairly flat chested. She looked almost boy-like which made Jabez find her highly desirable. Although Jabez had secretly wanted her from the start, he had decided to keep up appearances for the other men by contracting a marriage with Jess. Now he was delighted by how the marriage alliance had played out thanks to his hard negotiations. He had gained both women for a lesser price. In addition, Jess was off limits for at least six months and Chloe instead, was his to use as he pleased. The very thought pleased him so much because he didn't usually get his way in anything and now it was all going so well.

Jabez had been an academic, working as an engineer in a military base. He was not supposed to come home for another eight years but his father took ill. As he was the first in line to the estate, it was his to inherit and he returned home to claim what was his. That was a year ago and now he had been pressured into these marriages. His father had a voracious appetite for women and married a new wife every six months. Jabez had no desire to continue that legacy, but for now he needed to keep the status quo of his father and keep things moving forward. His soldiers at the frontlines had made good progress and were bringing in huge sums of money. Jabez had never realised how rich the old man really was and how much the leaders helped each other. He had saved quite a lot of money during the time he worked, giving him ample funds to play with. Yet his life as a household head felt so boring. He was as housebound as his wives except for the occasional leaders meeting, ball or other compulsory social occasion.

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