Chapter 10 - The journey

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Jabez paced his chambers angrily. He was full of regret. The old man, his father, was still alive but not moving much. The traitorous matrons had been removed. Male prison officers had come to the estate yesterday to arrest them for their part in assisting Jacob with his plans. He had made sure all his wives were locked in their chambers to keep them safe. Yet, Jabez wondered who else had helped Jacob with this scheme. Did other wives or matrons know about it? Did they want to get rid of him? The thoughts made him furious. In addition, he had made secret plans to get away from the estate for a few days and now it was potentially ruined.

His old colleagues at the front, the other engineers were planning a reunion ball. Each man was invited to bring a woman or two. A few were like Jabez with wives. Most would simply buy them from the traders who worked at the frontlines. Jabez had planned to take Chloe and Candace, another wife who he favoured, but now this issue with Jess caused him a headache. He couldn't leave her behind in case any matrons who were against him remained in the estate. It would be too easy for them to take Jess and impregnate her, even artificially, and ruin his sole claim of inheritance. But taking Jess with him was also extremely risky.

The frontline of the war was a place where excess women were used by the soldiers, engineers and generals of war. Sometimes the women were even sold across borders to those they warred against. The frontline was a dangerous and reckless place for men, and it was even worse for any women who ended up there. Before coming into his own estate, Jabez himself had visited the places where women worked to comfort men and he found it revolting. Many of his colleagues had made extra money on the side from the trade in women, buying companions and reselling them.

Jabez already knew he would be expected to trade his wives for other women when he attended. However, it would be with the assurance they would be treated appropriately for their position. Also, Jabez would choose who would take his wives if he allowed them to be swapped at all. Perhaps he would not be interested in any other women who were offered, and he would not want to trade. Perhaps he would just show off his new position as head of an estate.

It would be crazy to take a pure wife like Jess to such a place and expect nothing would happen to her. He paced back and forward. He could leave her locked in his chambers at the frontline, but he would need a guard. He could get a matron to stay there as well, but could he trust the matrons? Plus, he knew that the men's parties were tolerated by those in power, but they were certainly not encouraged and if the matron reported back to the council that he had taken a pure wife and risked her reputation for his own pleasure, it would not be good. The council might even vote to strip him of his estate for such an abuse. He was so tired of feeling this pressure from those above him. He also was sick of staying at the estate. He rarely went outside the front gate anymore knowing the risk. There were too many who would kill and depose him, and many others who would use gossip to let others know the unguarded and available condition of his estate.

No, he had to take Jess with him, and he had to take a matron and keep her locked up. At the frontlines. During a party. He rubbed his temples. He was crazy.

Jess and Chloe were waiting in their chambers when the messenger arrived to tell both girls to get ready and pack essentials. Two matrons also entered the chambers and worked to prepare their bags with the clothes they would need. For Chloe, ball gowns and fine dresses. For Jess, plain cotton dresses and sensible shoes. The girls looked at each other in terror. Was Jabez going to send them away for the events that had taken place a few nights ago? They had no idea and had never been out of an estate before, except to marry and move to their current home.

Once they were ready, the matrons took them to a basement area of the estate where a large van waited. The girls, along with another wife Candace were loaded into the back. The van had opaque windows that the driver darkened so they could not see outside. Jabez entered the back as well and sat on a leather seat on the side.

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