Chapter one - The Annual Debutant Ball

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Two weeks earlier

It was the day of the annual debutant ball. The world had changed after the great war and those in control believed in simple pleasures and hard work. However, in this new world order they could not stop the desires of men which led to this regular, patrimonial display of issue. The ball was the perfect place for those in control to find the best men and women in their regions. The males, hard and strong were ready to serve at the frontlines and keep the Capital safe. The females were of age. Now ripe and ready to be married, the most attractive women would give their fathers a chance to improve position and gain a small fortune from those seeking new wives. During this ball, heated bidding wars for the best of each sex were normal as the most powerful men ensured the continuation of their line and protection of their way of life. Although the physical proximity of the young men and women concerned the leaders, it was tolerated under the close watch of those guardians who zealously protected the virtue of the community.

Jescha, the third and most beautiful daughter of Abner and his fourth wife Lydia could not wait to be displayed at the ball. She had turned sixteen many moons ago and hoped to marry before she got too much older. She was low ranking in her family but had always been treated well enough because her father, a distant and fairly powerful man, saw in her beauty the potential for his own advancement. Just weeks earlier, he had called her to his quarters and asked her to walk and turn before him. He declared her a "great beauty, ready to be matched". These joyous words were his mark of approval and declaration that she would be displayed at the ball.

Her mother, a thin and bitter woman who lived in constant rivalry with her husband's other wives, sighed with relief at the notion she might soon gain position by means of her daughter. For a long time she had felt overlooked and Jess was not exactly helpful to her position. In Lydia's opinion Jess was a highly decorative, but quite useless child, because she was hopeless at any sort of politics or deceit that might help Lydia advance her station in the family. Lydia, like all the women, was illiterate and had no rights, so she often felt cheated by her life. She wanted to rise above her position as a fourth wife. She had tried to win her husband's favour in bed, but he was well served by his many younger wives and since the birth of her youngest child, he had overlooked her.

Lydia had three children, Jess, Tabitha 12 years old and Gabriel 9 years old. They lived in a huge, sprawling estate that had many buildings attached by long corridors. The grand entrance of the house led to a huge dining hall where the entire family gathered for one hour each evening at exactly six o'clock. Abner sat at the head table surrounded by his honoured wives, those he was most regularly taking into his bed. The other women sat further away, at other tables with their children, eating in small family groups. Away from the great hall and down one of the long corridors, Lydia had her own quarters that comprised of a sitting room with a small kitchenette attached, a bathroom and two bedrooms. At the moment, only Lydia and Gabriel slept in her quarters. Jess and Tabitha spent each night locked into a huge dorm room with all the other daughters in order to guard their morals and honour. Virtuous matrons watched over their comings and goings to ensure they were kept pure. The girls rarely left the grand house and generally stayed in their mother's quarters, the dining hall or their dorm rooms. Abner had his own section of the property which was like another house. He had a large bedroom where he entertained his wives each night. Lydia often thought about that bed. She stayed in her quarters at night and she felt lonely. Lydia thought that without the chance to provide her husband with more children, she had lost position and power in the large family.

Now, finally, her daughter's beauty might pay off if she caught the eye of someone very high ranking in the party. Lydia believed that the right match would move her to the top of the wives and if she became pregnant again, would mean favour for both herself and her children.

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