Chapter Nine - The plot to overthrow Jabez

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Jess struggled as the two matrons held her in front of the old man for him to view her.

"Let her be," he said to them "it's about time one of my wives comes to visit me."

The matrons released their grip but one of them gave her such a look that Jess felt afraid.

"Hello, my dear, I am Jacob, I am the father of Jabez." 

Jacob went on to say that although many thought he had died, he was still alive, but old and sick. Due to the war situation, Jacob said that it was common for sons to remove their fathers when they got too old and became bed bound. That was his problem. He was very sick and needed to stay in his chambers however, in the community household heads needed to be leaders. A weak head was one that would be open to plunder, so it was normal that sons took over even while old fathers were still alive.

He was talking to her, explaining things that she couldn't understand. He told her he was named Jacob and he was the true owner of the estate.

"You are indeed a beautiful woman" Jacob said, letting his eyes wander over Jess "how long have you been married into my household?"

Jess explained that she had recently been married, along with her sister Chloe. One of the matrons stepped forward and whispered into the old man's ear, bringing him up to date on her situation. The old man turned and gave her an unreadable, hard look.

"I am so glad you are here Jess darling" the old man said, looking at Jess in a strange way. "I have heard about your situation with my son and I was already thinking about sending my matrons to get you. I was thinking it was time we met."

Jess was not sure she like the way the old man looked at her and tried to act friendly. If there was one thing her mother Lydia had taught her it was that old men were very dangerous, especially to young women. Jess started up to leave but the matrons were on each side of her.

"I am not happy that my son has married a woman of questionable morals" the old man continued. Jess gasped but she didn't want to make Jacob angry so she waited to see what he would say.

"I am told you are a loose woman, is it true?" he asked.

"It is not true" Jess stated, "I am pure." Her cheeks went slightly pink at the memory of her night with Adriel, but she knew that nothing had happened between them to make her statement untrue.

"Good, good. Then you won't mind taking a purity test for me, will you?"

Jess wondered what he meant until she saw one of the matrons holding a pregnancy test. The box was blue and large, and she could see what it was. She had never seen a test before, but the old man explained that all she had to do was pee on the stick inside and it would give an accurate reading of whether she was pregnant or not. Jess felt delighted. Finally a way to show everyone proof of what they were gossiping about. She grabbed the stick and went with the matron to the bathroom. A few short moments later and the stick showed that she was not pregnant. The old man peered at it and smiled at her.

"So, you are as pure as you say. You have not been defiled by a man. I am pleased" he said with a smile.

"Thank you, Sir" Jess said feeling pleased. Finally she had evidence that she was innocent of all their speculation and her husband could lay with her properly. She started to put her hand out for the test so she could take it to show others, when the old man gave it to a matron instead and looked hard at her.

"You do understand that as the wife of Jabez, you are also my wife and I have the right to claim you" he said to her. Jess started. She felt completely disoriented about what the old man wanted from her.

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