ch. xl

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chapter forty. what a milestone.

this is like the second longest book i've ever written..... yay me? i think not.

ooh, by the way, how many of you want to slap me/kill me/yeet me off the planet/generally be violent? and get your revenge?

[also: bella, we will make you accept your inner potato if it is the L A S T thing amilol and i have to do...]

Dex and Keefe had stolen one of Juline's human movies once, along with a weird black box to play it on. Biana had actually liked the movie in question, a cheesy, cliche romance story that had Dex blushing every five minutes, and Keefe rolling his eyes in boredom.

She felt like she could really relate to the female main character.

There were also these moments (that really made Keefe complain) when the recording thingumabob recorded everything in slow-motion, with the background behind the main characters all blurred, with the focus purely on them. Biana remembered finding them faintly amusing, wondering why on earth humans thought that something like that could actually happen.

Now? She felt more like the main female character than ever.

All her focus was on the person in the room who wasn't watching her and Linh with a wary, slightly afraid look.


Tam, who (now that she was actually looking directly at him) was pale.

Deathly pale.

"NO!" The scream came from Linh first, as she managed to shake free of the frozen moment, hurling herself to the bedside. "You- you haven't tried enough. Do something. DO SOMETHING!"

Biana still couldn't move. Her brain was screaming to do something, whether it was crying, screaming, or punching something. Her body refused to cooperate.

"Please," Linh sobbed, sinking into a elf-ball on the floor. "Please. Do something."

Even the gems in Livvy's hair seemed less sparkly than normal as she bit her lip, gently wrapping the girl in a hug. "Hey. Be strong, Linh. You can do it."

"I-I know," she sobbed. "And I was expecting it. But why does it still hurt so much?!"

Slowly, Livvy's murmured words of comfort became background noise as Elwin made his way around the bed, sidestepping both the elves on the floor, as he approached Biana with a concerned look he normally reserved for Sophie's Healing Center visits.

"Hey," he whispered. "Are you good?"

That one question sent her over the edge.

In one smooth move, all the energy drained away, leaving behind just....her and her pain.

And that was how she ended up in another elf-ball on the floor, bawling her eyes out. Screaming. Occasionally slamming her fist into the smooth marble floor, like some sort of overgrown five-year-old while poor Elwin did his best to calm her down.


poor bianaaaa

how many of y'all listen to rustage's raps? just asking.

*cotinues hiding inside impenetrable shield*

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