A Kidnapping Gone Wrong

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"Aren't you glad your back at school!" I sarcastically cheered while Yui responded by giving me a faint smile.

Mobs of students pushed their way through the long hallway, as I could feel a couple of them violating my arms, back, and butt.

Actually, they where violating me all over...

The perks about going to a giant school.

Especially, one that looks more like a giant mansion than a school.

However, I didn't hesitant to whip my head at the violators, and give them a dirty looking telling them to calm their tits down and give us some space.

"Too bad Nakura isn't here...she wanted to know if you were alright since you were out for a couple days." I continued trying to get my mind off the overcrowded hallway while Yui's faint smile now grew into a happy one.

"I do have a lot of homework to do." Mumbled Yui after a minute, as she stared down at her feet, deep in thought.

I waited for Yui to continue, but instead I got to watch as a boy who was goofing around with his friend, accidentally run into Yui as she fell to the floor.

"Watch where you going." I snapped while watching the boy just glance down at Yui, shrug, and walk away.

"People can be so rude." I mumbled.

I helped Yui back to her feet, as she staggered for a moment before actually being able to stand by herself.

She seemed lost in thought...

"Oh no!" She yelped unexpectedly while her eyes widened in horror, as if she just realized she committed a murder or something.

"I forgot my math homework! And that's the class that has the most homework!" Exclaimed Yui, as she started to do the moon walk down the corridor.

As I recall, this is the first time I actually ever heard Yui yell that loud and it honestly caught me off guard.

"Want me to come?" I questioned once finally snapping out of my state of shock.

"I'm fine. I'll meet you at the limo!" Yelled Yui as she shook her head while sprinting down the hallway.

Wait! Yui was actually running in the hallway?! That's the first.

I couldn't help, but have a questioning look on my face, as I watched Yui vanish from sight before turning around and starting to walk towards the exit.

However, I heard a shuffling noise which caused me to tense up while I scanned around for the source of the noise.

I didn't see anything, but the minute I took a step to my right I noticed a sleeve of a jacket hiding behind one of the rubber plants that were used for decoration.

"I know your there so show yourself." I calmly told whoever was behind the plant while I crossed my arms.

After a minute or so of waiting, the person behind the plant decided to peek around, as I studied his complexion.

He looked like just a normal student to me, having dark brown hair, eyes, and glasses which confused me on why he was hiding behind a plant.

Once he locked eye contact with me, he quickly broke it by running from behind the plant and down the hall like his butt was on fire.

What is his problem?

It been twenty five minutes! It doesn't take that long to grab your math homework! Where is she? I complained in my mind while taping my foot with impatience.

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