chapter 4: dodge ball

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I was standing in my training room, and I felt a little bit, watched. Maybe because I knew Dino had watched me last week and I didn't want him to see me fail. I knew Dino wasn't allowed to take over the training session and he was told to stay away, only the more experienced soldiers had training sessions with the twins, Sideswipe and sunstreaker or Ironhide for shooting.

maybe I was just paranoid, but I couldn't brush off the feeling I had. I was almost sure Dino was watching me and it made me uncomfortable. I wasn't as good as he was and I didn't want to make the fool out of myself in front of just like the last time he spied on me. Dino thought it was cute to see my... clumsy side, but I hated it. Not many people believed in me and I really wanted to make this work.

As the training started, I used the move, Dino used on my last day and was actually pretty confident now, proud even. I got kicked and almost lost balance, I felt someone grab me and gave a soft push forward, I saw no one though. I guess I was right about what I thought. "Attack the left, raggazza!" Dino whispered in my ear.

"sneak up behind him, move right then left, make a quick turn and tackle him!" he added on. I lanced myself forward and did as he told me, right... left... turn and tackle. The soldier obviously didn't saw that coming and ended up on the ground. I hold him down and smiled in victory, I felt Dino patting my back as I hold him down.

Our trainer gestured to move aside "Good work!" he said, giving a nod towards me. Dino got behind me "Good work... make sure you keep more balance on your right foot, it gives you more speed!" he whispered. I gave a small nod and still felt him behind me, I literally felt his hot breath against my neck shoulder.

"Ready for round two! This time Mirage in there to save your ass!" he sneered. I felt a low growl from Dino behind me. "You know Dino knows everything!" I snapped to defend him. Dino brushed his arm against mine and the warmth of his body faded away. The soldier lanced himself forward, trying to knock me off my feet. I quickly moved out of the way and tried to get behind him.

I had some trouble since he was really rough and hurt me most of the time when he attacked. I punched his chest and ducked as he tried to hit my face. There were a few rules during our training, and one of them was, don't hurt your partner on purpose. He kicked my feet away, causing me to end up on the floor. I saw him storming towards me and the last thing I had in mind was kicking him the stomach. He ended up on the ground with a groan and I quickly got up.

The soldier recovered from the fall and glared at me, I saw the anger in his eyes. I felt someone grabbing my arms from behind and saw Ironhide. It surprised me and he glared at the soldier who gulped and backed off a little. "Hurting the femme!" he hissed. he gulped "I was only training!" he said. "Wrong! you hurt her on purpose!" he sneered.

"you're not allowed to hurt your team members! You know she's still a youngling! How can you even think about hurting her!" he sneered, letting go of me before he stormed over to the soldier. I was shocked as I saw he grabbed his neck and dragged him with him.

"Hmm... he gets a punishment!"

I turned around, facing Sideswipe. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded "yeah... I am fine!" I said. "Well since you don't have a partner... wanna fight me?" he asked. "But I thought that wasn't allowed!" I said. "true... but I am the combat instructor... I work with those human trainers!" he said. "I am born with battle instincts and Sunstreaker is just as good as I am... that's why or mostly I train humans!" he explained.

"Mirage isn't allowed to be here... but he asked me to keep an eye on you! he's worried you get hurt since the others don't seem to have trust in you!" Sideswipe whispered in my ear. "Thank you Sideswipe..." I said. he hummed "thank Dino..." he chuckled. "he seems to like you... a lot!" he said. I smiled sheepishly "yeah... I noticed," I said shyly.

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