Chapter 8: injured

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Dino rushed over to the main hanger, the teams just got back and he was worried sick about Sia. He didn't know why, but needed to make sure she was fine. He pushed some soldiers out of the way and rushed into the main hanger.

Seeing how chaotic and busy it was. He looked around, hoping to see a glimpse of the femme who became his friend in the past few weeks. He walked off the stairs. "Sia?" He asked, looking around and pushing some soldiers aside.

The worry hit him as he saw the injured once "where are you raggazza," he whispered to himself. He saw Ironhide and stormed over to him "where is Sia? Is she okay?" He worriedly asked. "I haven't seen her just yet! Ratchet and Jolt are busy... you should ask them!" He said.

I looked around and felt my spark beat increase as I couldn't find her.


He turned around and hugged her, picking her up in process. She giggled and looked at him as he placed her back on the ground. "Oh raggazza! I was so worried! Where have you been! Why didn't you tell me about the mission!" He asked inspecting her seeing blood seeping out her shoulder.

"I'm sorry! But I got called last night! I didn't had time to inform you about it..." she said. Dino hugged her again and hold her head tightly against his chest. "Oh sweetspark! Are you okay?!" He asked inspecting her again. "I got shot! But it's fine!" Sia replied.

Dino saw the wound in her shoulder and saw blood seeping out. Worry returned again and he looked around "Mirage! The others have first priority!" She said, before gesturing him to follow. Dino grabbed her hand and took her away from the large crowd.

"I was so damn worried!" He said hugging her again. She was startled and didn't understand why he's so worried "Dino! It's not a big deal!" She said. "You look exhausted!" He said as he laid is hand on her cheek.

"Yeah! That's true!" She sighed leaning in his touch. "You must be hungry and thirsty too!" He said. She gave a tired smile and felt she was getting dizzy. She looked around and noticed the black spots in her view and the sounds going to the background.

Dino saw she didn't react on him anymore and noticed she stumbled back, he quickly grabbed her as her knees gave in and guided her onto the ground. "Cassiopeia?" He asked worriedly but saw she was unconscious.

"Oh raggazza!" He whispered before he picked her up. "Ratchet! Please help her!" He whined. The medic looked up and got up, rushing over to her. "Come with me!" He ordered as he inspected her.

Dino carefully laid her down on a medical bed while Ratchet started to remove her army blouse so only her blood stained tank top remained. He grabbed some things and started to stitch. Dino stayed with her all time and softly carried her cheek.

"She'll be fine!" Ratchet finally said. "She collapsed cause of dehydration and exhaustion and pain! I gave her something against the pain... make sure she gets rest and drinks enough!" He ordered. Dino nodded and softly carried her cheek.

"I'll take her back to her room," he said and picked her up. As he carefully laid her down, he removed her shoes and got a wet towel, removing some blood from her shoulder. After an hour she woke up and weakly looked at him.

Dino smiled and stroke her head "thank primus you're awake!" He whispered. She gave a weak smile and closed her eyes again. Dino grabbed a bottle and helped her up, supporting her with his chest and softly brought the bottle to her mouth.

"You need to drink Sweetspark!" He said quietly. She started to drink and sighed "better?" He asked. Sia nodded and saw Dino laid the empty bottle aside before he laid her down again.

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