Chapter 16: period

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The few days, I had the idea dino was avoiding me. Normally I could find him in the main hanger, or Autobot hanger, but he had vanished. Sadly I stalked through the halls and felt miserable. I was sure this was my fault if my mom wasn't that hard for him, Dino didn't shy away and besides that, I was almost starting my period, so my hormones were bullying me.

I stalked over to the training room to start my training, and I wasn't in the mood to get beaten by my fellow team members. "Where is your guard dog now huh, Cassiopeia!?"

I glared at them and tried to focus. I was suddenly punched and kicked, with a groan I ended up on the floor and hurt my wrist as I hit something next to me. Something warm was pouring out of the cut.

I looked up to see what I had hit and notched some blood on the corner of the metal table. "Great!" I sulked while getting up. I was sick of it and just left.

Sadly I stalked through the halls, back to my room. A lost tear rolled down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. Luckily I didn't have any shifts cause I had a night shift last night.

I closed the door and hobbled over to the bathroom where I cleaned up the cut and took a warm shower before pulling on my PJ pants and a shirt and laid in bed with a bunch of chocolate.

I was watching some TV before Dino walked in after a knock. I glared at him as he closed the door. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Oh, so you do know about the cut!" I sneered. He flinched a little and looked at the ground.

"I'm so sorry,"

"What can I do with that! Nothing! You're avoiding me but in the meantime, you're spying on me! You didn't even try to help me!" I spat. "Shh please!" He said while he raised his hands a little.

He studied me for a moment "are you okay?" He whispered quietly as he looked at all the chocolate. "Does it look like I'm okay!" I hissed. Again he flinched "beside your wound," he said. "No! Of course, I'm not okay! I'm almost in period and I'm in a very bad mood!" I hissed.

"I see..."

I furiously looked at him while he jumped back "really Mirage!" I hissed. "I'm sorry... I just don't know how to deal with you right now... I mean... I've never seen a human femme in period," he said sheepishly.

"Do you have pain somewhere..." he asked shyly and flinched as I threw a knife at him. "What do you think!" I snapped. "I just try to understand you," he said as he pulled my knife out of the wall. He slowly approached me and laid my knife on my desk, out of my reach.

"Tell me what you feel... so I understand what you're experiencing!" He said. I glared at him and gritted my teeth before I answered "Abdominal cramps...lower back pain and a headache!" I snapped.

I literally saw the error in his eyes, he tried to understand what I was feeling and at the same time he tried to help me. He laid his hand on my stomach and softly started to rub. "According to the internet, warm baths or compresses can be useful to alleviate cramping...Plenty of fluids, high fiber foods or a simple bulk-forming stool softener such as psyllium can relieve pain," he mumbled mostly to himself but I slapped his cheek hard and glared at him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I only try to help okay!" He whined while raising his hands before he rubbed his cheek. "You don't know anything! And not everything on the internet is true!" I sneered. He flinched and backed off a little

"menstrual symptoms like irritability, anger, and mood swings are a monthly bother for most women...PMS can cause wild, uncontrollable mood swings in some women, who may go from crying spells to angry outbursts and anxiety attacks, then back to a stable emotional state — all in one day," he rambled to himself while I saw he was searching the internet.

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