Chapter 18: aftermath

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I slowly opened my eyes and stared at a white ceiling. My vision was still blurry and I wasn't able to move for the first minutes. I snapped my eyes to the side as I heard movements. "Mirage..." I muttered. He smiled and gently rubbed my head.

"I'm sorry..."

He shook his head and kissed my forehead "you did a wonderful job..." he whispered. "I crashed! I couldn't hold the plane..." I cracked. He placed his finger over my lips "you still saved a lot of people..." he murmured as he rubbed his thumb over my lips for a moment.

"What happened after I blacked out?" I whispered. Ratchet brought you back and operated you to get the bullet out, you had luck, it didn't hit any organs, but you did lose a lot of blood," he mumbled. "I was scared I might lose you!" He murmured.

I laid my hand on his cheek "can you tell me what happened?" Dino asked. Some flashbacks flew through mind, making me shiver. "There was this guy... and I had a really bad feeling about it when he entered the plane... the first twenty minutes of the flight wasn't a problem, but then he started to shoot at people... the soldiers tried to stop him, but they died, I stayed where I was and sneaked up behind him... I had no other choice than to kill him... both pilots and crew were dead, I stabilized the plane..." I muttered.

Mirage kissed my head "it's okay... you had no other choice, and you did a wonderful job! For someone who never flew a jumbo jet!" He sulked, pressing his forehead against mine. "How long was I out, mirage?" I whispered.

"Seven days, Ratchet kept you in a stasis lock!" He said softly. "This is my second crash with a plane..." I sulked. Mirage sat down and looked at me "you're second time?" He whispered. I nodded slightly but closed my eyes. "Last time... I was one of the three survivors... guess I had luck again," I muttered.

"Get away from my daughter!"

My eyes snapped over and I saw my mother hitting Mirage. The mech jumped startled and rubbed his cheek. "Mom!" I tried to snap. "I did nothing wrong," Mirage said to defend himself. "Really! How can this not be your fault!" She sneered. Mirage flinched "I want you to stay away from my daughter! You will never be good enough! You're an alien... you don't belong here!" She hissed.

Mirage flinched at that and backed off "I deeply care about your daughter! She's my best friend..." Mirage said. "No! I want you to stay away from her! Unless you want me to kick her out of the house!" she hissed.

"He's my friend, mother! Please just stop! How can this be his fault! He wasn't even there when it happened!" I snarled weakly. "He should've stopped you! If he didn't allow you to go... this never would have happened in the first place!" She spat, pointing at me.

"I'm not in charge of that! I didn't know someone was gonna shoot!" Mirage snapped and got hit again. He backed off and rubbed his cheek. "Leave you, Decepticon traitor!" She hissed. I saw this really hurt Mirage, his eyes were hard, but I saw the pain behind it.

He turned around and slammed the door closed "that's better!" She huffed and turned towards me. "That wasn't necessary!" I snapped. She shushed me "you need to rest! You shouldn't worry about the alien!" She snorted.

"He means everything to me! He's my best friend!" I huffed. "He's still an alien..."

Dino's pov
I roared in anger and kicked against a table. I was so pissed off right now. I never met a femme like Cassiopeia! She meant everything to me. I almost lost her twice, I just wanted to be with her, she finally woke up and I already had to leave.

I turned around as I noticed someone behind me and clenched my jaws together as I stared at her stepfather. "You're not good enough for her!"

The words hurt me badly, I really fell for her, not only her beauty but also the way she was, so warm, sweet and innocent, I wanted her at my side. She was absolutely perfect.

"I really care about her!"

"Yeah! Too much!" He snapped. Before I could reply, he punched me. I stumbled back and hit the wall in shock. He grabbed me again and punched me again. He grasped my hair and kicked me with his knee in my stomach.

I quickly tackled him to the ground and tried to hold him down, but he kicked me with his knee hard between my legs. I yelped and backed sinking on my knees. "Why did you kick me there!" I snapped but was cut off by another punch in my face and ended up on the ground with a terrible pain between my legs and eye.

"Stay away from her!"

I groaned and rolled on my back, throwing my head back and groaned in pain, holding my crotch. I had never been kicked there in my holoform, but it was ten times worse than in my real form, mostly because that area wasn't covered with a panel.

"Jeez..." I groaned as I got up and hold the wall "Mirage? What happened?" Ironhide asked worriedly. "Nothing!" I said, my voice ten times higher than it supposed to be. He frowned as he watched me limp and grabbed me, sitting me down on a chair and grabbed my jaw, looking at my jaw and blue eye.

"Who kicked you in the interface and who did this!?" He asked as he pointed at my face. "Sia's stepfather, he was barking at me... and then he started to beat me! Out of nowhere!" I grunted. "I see..." he sulked.

He checked my eye and jaw before he sighed. "I can't show myself to Sia while I'm like this! But I wanna see her so badly! I thought I lost her forever!" I complained. "She's a tough one! Don't worry," Ironhide grumbled.

"They blame me for what happened! And I wasn't even there!" I growled. "It's not your fault!" He stated. I gave a small nod and got up.

A half an hour later, I heard they left, so I limped over the medbay. Ratchet looked at me and groaned "finally! There you are!" He snapped as he grabbed me. "Ouch! Stop!" I groaned as he pulled me over to the medical bed. "Mirage? What happened?" Sia worriedly asked as Ratchet laid some ice on my crotch.

It helped and I sucked in a breath before I answered. "I got kicked," I grumbled embarrassed. I heard her groan and shot up when she got up. "What are you doing! Go back to bed!" I snapped. She covered my mouth and gently pushed me back before laying her hand on my cheek.

"When did this happen?" She asked as she rubbed my cheek with her thumb. "Half an hour ago," I muttered. Her eyes scanned my body and landed on my crotch for a moment. It made me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"Cassiopeia... please," I said sheepishly. Her beautiful eyes met mine again. She gently rubbed my head and run her hand through my hair before she kissed my forehead softly. She walked off and returned with a wet cloth.

"Please lay down! You need to rest!" I pleaded her. "Hush, Mirage!" She strictly yet sweetly said, she removed some Energon around my lips and cooled my jaw with some ice she got from the medbay.

I sighed, embarrassed I didn't see it coming and that I got kicked pretty hard between my legs, it was still hurting. Sia gently rubbed my cheek before she lowered her face and kissed my forehead. Her fingers run through my brown hair and I relaxed.

"The pain will fade away soon!" She whispered as she caressed my cheek sweetly. I opened my eyes again, her eyes were so beautiful, I always drowned in them. They were so calm and peaceful, they reflected her personality. I just couldn't believe someone wanted to hurt her, she's so precious and beautiful...

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