The attack ll

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"We are the crystal gems, we'll always save the day." They turned a corner fast and the voice became louder. "And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way." Pearl ran forward, not listening to Lances pleads to stop. "That's why the people of this world, believe in. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl." Lance understood now why Pearl was running, she was running to Steven "And Steven." Then a group of guards caught Pearl.

"Stand back P-" Lance said as she pulled out two spears and sliced the guards with ease. "How did you?"

"If you could only know, what we truly are when we first arrived on earth." Pearl sand as her spears disappeared from her hands and she walked again. "From out beyond your star. We were amazed to find, your beauty and your worth. And we will protect your kind and we will protect your earth, and we will protect your earth, and will protect you!" She sang as she and Lance sliced and shot the guards away. Lance was confused why she was singing but he went with it. Then Pearl stopped infront of a door and sliced it open with her spear.

"Pearl?" Steven spoke from the floor weakly.

"I've got you Steven. Where's your gem?" She asked as she picked him up.

"It's on another ship." He said and coughed while groaning in pain.

"We have healing pods in the castle of lions." Lance said, Pearl nodded as she hugged Steven.

"Just stay with us." She whispered to him, Lance covered them as they ran to his lion.

"HOLD ON!" Lance yelled and flew out of the ship and saw another fusion.

"I never I thought I would see the day Bismuth and Garnet fused again." Pearl sighed, Rainbow crystal looked at the blue lion and punched the last of the fighters. They ran into the castle of lions and they warped away. Pearl exited out of the lion as Lance helped her out.

"Steven!" Connie yelled.

"Allura, we need the pods now!" Lance yelled, Allura nodded and led them to the healing pods.

"Your going to stay in here until you heal a bit" Allura said to Steven, he nodded weakly and closed his eyes and was hidden in the pod. Allura sighed as everyone celebrate in relief except for Lance and Pearl, Bismuth noticed.

"What's wrong with you two?" Bismuth said.

 "We didn't get Steven's gem, it was on another ship." Pearl whispered, Connie cried as she touched the blue screen and for a minute, saw a reflection of Stevonnie.

"There is good news though." Allura said as everyone turned to her. "This pod heals anyone in anyway, he might be alright if he comes out, just a bit weak." Allura said, the gems and paladins smiled but Connie just stared at the pod.

"Let's give her some space." Garnet said and ushered everyone out of the room. The next few days, Hunk and Amethyst just cooked and ate food. Allura and Bismuth played games, Peridot and Pidge messed with tech, Shiro and Garnet hung out, Lapis and Lance played jokes and pranks on each other, Keith trained with Pearl who also cleaned with Coran. Connie stayed infront of Steven's pod and never left.

"Hey Connie." Hunk said as he held a PB and J sandwich.

"Hi Hunk" She said, not looking away from the pod. He set the plate next to her.

"I didn't know if you had a peanut allergy so I just added Jam." He said, she started to cry. "Hey, hey. It's okay." He said as he knelled next to her. She hugged him and he hugged her back and rubbed circles on her back. She pulled back and rubbed her eyes of tears.

"Thanks Hunk." she said and looked at the timer. "Are you able to read that?" She asked while pointing at the timer. Hunk got up and looked at the timer with wide eyes. then the pod opened and Hunk caught Steven as he started to fall.

"Steven!" Connie yelled and hugged him.

"Good to see you to." He said turned to Hunk. "Thanks." He said weakly, Hunk nodded while smiling, then Amethyst walked in the room and froze when she saw Steven.

"Be right back." She said as she formed in a cheetah and ran around the castle to tell every gem and one the news. She ran back in and squeezed Steven.

"Your gonna kill me again Amethyst!" Steven yelled as all the gems ran in, eyes watering.

"STEVEN!" They all yelled and hugged Steven. Hunk wanted to join in so badly.

"It's a group hug! Get in you guys!" Bismuth yelled the paladins hugged the group and they all smiled. Pearl got a wheel chair out of her gem and Steven sat in it. They went to the dining room and Hunk handed Steven a plate of food goo.

"You get use to the taste." Hunk said as Steven took a bite out of the goo. The mice then came up.

"Awww!" Connie and he said. They looked at each other and laughed.

"How do you feel kid?" Lance asked Steven, his smile turned upside down.

"Like half of a whole." He said, then looked around. "Where's lion?" He asked.

"The pink one?" Kieth asked, Steven nodded."He's in the star gazing room, hasn't actually left since we heard about Pink Steven." Keith said, Steven wheeled out of the room and paused for a second and wheeled back in.

"Where's the star gazing room?" He asked, everyone led him to a scratched door and Steven knocked on it. "Lion? It's me." Steven said, the door creaked open to show a eye glowing lion. Lion sniffed the air and pried the door open and stared at Steven. Steven pulled out a red pillow and Lion sniffed it. His eyes returned to normal and licked Steven's face multiple times while purring. "I missed you to bud." Steven said while smiling and laughing.

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