Pink Stevonnie

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Again, not my art!

The diamonds turned smaller so it was easier to walk around the ship. Spinel was sitting on lion and grew board.

"So what can you do?" Pidge asked her. Spinel smiled and stretched her arm to tap yellow's shoulder, making her think it was blue. "So you can stretch?" Pidge asked and Spinel looked at her hand.

"Yeah, but i'm only like this because of Steven." She said.

"What is it with you gems and Steven?!" Pidge yelled, Steven didn't notice.

"Well he is nicer than Pink." Spinel grumbled.

"You allied with Zarcon?!" Allura yelled as the diamonds looked guilty.

"I wanted the perfect empire and didn't let feelings get in the way." White said, Allura sighed.

"But he is coming here!" Blue whispered.

"And I fear that there bringing Pink Steven." Yellow said.

"You need our help." White said.

"No, we just get me close to my gem and then we, we" Steven said but then he closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

"You okay?" Hunk asked, but Steven didn't respond. Blue got scared and grabbed Steven. She ran off and everyone and gem chased after her and found she was in the healing pods room. She placed him in a pod and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Connie asked, she sighed.

"He has gotten worse, the longer he is away from his gem. The less time he has." Blue said.

"But how did you know he was getting worse?" Shiro asked, she didn't answer.

"Blue is able to know how someone feels, but she never likes it." White said as Yellow tried to comfort Blue. Spinel looked at the pod in anger as the alarm went off. 

"There here." Pearl said, The diamonds stood up and ran to there ship. The paladins ran to there lions, the gems formed Alexandrite, Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot readied. Connie saw something as they all readied in battle stance. Pink Steven came out of the ship but had something on his eyes, he saw Alexandrite and blasted them all in a matter of minutes. Connie couldn't believe her eyes and then got an idea.

"Where are you going Connie?!" Allura asked as she ran to the pods and turned it on. She had a helmet on and gripped the controls as she flew out. Pink Steven saw the ship and blasted it away, she jumped out and grabbed Steven. She saw there was a deceive on his eyes so she pulled it off.

"Please stop!" She yelled in his face, he turned to see all his friends poof. We got wide eyes and turned to the cruiser and grew made. He bubbled his friends, even the diamonds and Voltron and grabbed Connie as an Ion cannon blasted at them. He used a Shield and blocked it from her.

"Help me." Steven said to her, she nodded as his gem glowed bright and there was a sonic boom. The paladins woke and the pink bubble slowly went down.

"Keith! Pidge! Grab the gems." Shiro said, they flew and grabbed the gems and put the diamond ship on the castle of lions.

"Where is Connie?!" Pearl yelled while standing next to Pidge. The cosmic dust disappeared to reveal a lady with long messy pink hair. She turned her head to face Voltron with her diamond shaped irises. She turned to the ship and bubbled them again. She turned back to the galra ship and summoned her shield. She threw it at the cruiser and ran to it while blasting at it, the Ion cannon aimed at her but Voltron blocked it with there shield.

"Thank you." The fusion said and Pearl looked closely.

"Stevonnie?!" She yelled, Pink Stevonnie nodded and grabbed her sword, she flew straight into the command center and grabbed the general.

"Tell Zarcon to back OFF!" she yelled and the ship was destroyed. She turned back to voltron and smiled, they went into the castle of lions and warped away. Pink Stevonnie unfused as everyone surrounded him. 

"Steven." He said, they all nodded as Shiro ran to get Steven. He came back running in with Steven pale as ever and handed him to Pink Steven. Pink Steven smiled and hugged Steven and they fused back together. They heard laughing as they lifted themselves in the air. Connie cried with Hunk in happiness, finally Steven stopped glowing and smiled.

"I'm back!" He said as he landed. He then turned to the paladins and smiled. "Thank you for all you did, is there something we can do in return?" Steven asked.

"We have had some trouble with our teledove, it's cracked and we used our last jump." Allura said, she lead Steven to it and it was cracked in half. Steven licked his finger and touched the teledove lenses. It took a moment and then they were all better. the diamonds helped upgrade the blasters, Lapis and Peridot helped with growing food and they all relaxed in the main room.

"Hm, I wonder." Pidge said to herself, Keith, Connie and Steven looked at her. "I wonder if Keith is better than Stevonnie at sword fighting." They looked at each other and smirked.

"I'll do it, but no powers." Keith said, Connie and fused and shook Keith's hand.

" Keith said, Connie and fused and shook Keith's hand

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"It's a deal." They said (I don't know if Stevonnie is a he or a she and art is not mine). They summoned there swords and smirked as they brawled out. Well else where, Lance was flirting with Allura and she rolled her eyes. She walked out and left a sad Lance as he sighed.

"You know, if you want her to like you, you should probably stop flirting as much." Garnet said, Lance just sighed.

"Then how do I get her to like me?" Lance yelled at her.

"You don't force her to, just be there when she's sad and care for her when she is weak." Garnet said and walked to the door. "Just think about it." Garnet said, Lance gave her a werid look as she left.

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