Chapter 1 ~ The Move

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It was 7:45 and the Allen's were rushing around their new home in Central City getting their sons ready for college, well son. The other was still laying in bed, sleep deprived and drained of all ability to move. This young boy was Sebastian Allen, twin brother to Barry Allen. Barry was an outstanding student with miraculous grades and had always hoped to use his love and knowledge for science for great things in his future and had decided to study a first level course of forensic sciences in hopes to one day get the qualifications he requires to work in the forensics department at the CCPD.

His brother on the other hand was anything but a good student, Sebastian had only just scraped the grades he required to do whatever he wanted which he didn't really care for. He had always slept in class and was told by many teachers and students that his personality was very sarcastic and this caused him to not have any friends unlike Barry. Sebastian however was good at one thing and that was running, he was told by his old physical education teacher that if he kept up at the rate he was running and training at, he could become America's fastest and youngest runner one day, this only drove Sebastian to become more cocky and eventually led to him giving himself the name Savitar, from the hindu god of motion.

Their parents rushed into his room and scolded him for passing out, they told him he better be gone before they come upstairs again and with that they slammed his bedroom door. Sebastian groaned loudly and slowly crawled out of bed, finding an old pair of black jeans which were torn open at the knees, a black v-neck top and black hoody that covers most of his pale face. He collected his things and rushed downstairs and out the door before his parents even had the chance to utter a word, he got to the road and started making his way to his new college as he put in his ear phones and started playing 'I'm not okay - My Chemical Romance' one of his favourite bands to listen to.

Sebastian didn't care if he made friends, he didn't care if he even passes his first year, he just wants it to end so he can focus on other tasks. As soon as he got the gates he saw a group if guys huddled around Barry, patting him on the back, Sebastian couldn't believe this only an hour at the college and he already has friends when he deserves no of them. Sebastian made his way to science, more specifically biology where he awaited the teacher and the rest of the students. When he got there, he already saw two students there waiting, one of them was a guy, leaning forward over a girl with his hand against the wall. The other student was the young girl, holding her textbooks in her arms, they were talking about their night tonight, they were obviously dating of some sorts and quite frankly Sebastian couldn't care less about them and their date night, all he wanted was to get the day over and done with.

//hey there everyone, this is just an idea I have thought about doing for a long time now and I couldn't keep it in any longer, this is my college AU.

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