Chapter 5 ~ Maybe I'm In Love

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It's been a week since Sebastian's fantasy and all he's done has been thinking in his room with headphones on. How could it be possible that he could love her? She's the good girl with straight a's and he's the complete polar opposite of that.

He needed to forget about her but how? He couldn't just ignore her, they have a project to do, he couldn't go to his friends because all they'd do is talk about her. He decided that as he got into college he would run ten laps around the track field to get his mind of Caitlin and that's exactly what he did.

Running the ten laps in a matter of fifteen minutes, as he came to a skidded halt however, he saw Ronnie approach him with the very people Barry was making friends with. Oliver Queen, Eddie Thawn and Leonard Snart. Sebastian simply rolled his eyes as they approached "Ronnie I'm really not in the mood alright" he told him breathlessly as he saw Cait running out of the science building. "We have unfinished business Allen." He spoke in a harsh tone that even made Eddie flinch. This however didn't affect Sebastian who was dropping his bag in frustration "look...I don't want to fight you but if you swing first, I will not hesitate to break your arm" Sebastian told him coldly as Caitlin came between them both, holding them away from each other "no ok, there will be no fighting what so ever!" Caitlin warned Ronnie before his anger got the better of him as he roughly shoved to the side, making her fall to the floor "stay the fuck out of my way" he exclaimed as he attempted to take a swing at Sebastian who was on full alert after what just happened, he dodged the attack moving  to the side, kicking him in the shin as Ronnie fell with a growl. "Your not can't wi-" Ronnie had been cut off by Sebastian kicking him in the face, falling on top of him, thrusting his fists right at his face, sending blood all over the place.

Sebastian was lost in his rage as he continued punching Ronnie's face as Caitlin watched with tears in his eyes but a deep part of her actually caused her to bite her lip slightly in arousment as Sebastian lifted his fist, ready to finish this. He looked over at her, breathing deeply before faltering, getting up and wiping his face clean of Ronnie's blood as Caitlin to his surprise didn't stick around for Ronnie but didn't follow Sebastian either and he didn't really care.

News of Ronnie's beating spread around the college like wildfire and sooner or later this caught the eye of the tutors who had no choice but to place him in detention.

Sebastian didn't care really because since then Ronnie has avoided him at every turn still not hesitating to shoot him a furious glare.

Sebastian sat in detention with another teacher at the college, Clifford Devoe. As he sat there, listening to his music he felt the soft touch of someone tapping his shoulder.  It was Caitlin looking down at him with a look of happiness but a shadow of sadness was still there "hey Caitlin...why are you here?" He asked in a soft tone as Devoe allowed their conversation to continue, having a small soft spot for both Caitlin and Sebastian. "I came to see how you were" she answered truthfully still not understanding why she was aroused at him beating up her now ex boyfriend.

"Well you saw, he didn't even touch me" he replied with a smirk "oh yeah and I heard about you dumping his ass, good one" he answered, his smirk becoming wider. She glanced down blushing gently "yeah well I wasn't going to just be someone who treats me like crap." She told him bluntly as he slowly took her hand and glancing into her eyes gently "it's time to move on, find someone new to be crazy about" she added with that smile that could melt hearts.

Sebastian wanted nothing more than to kiss her there and then but instead he held himself back and only asked "you should hang out with me and my friends" he added simply as she raised her brow teasingly "I never expected the cold hearted Sebastian Allen to have friends." She teased as he chuckled slightly "I know, weird right?" He smirked widely.

They continued this until Caitlin had to go to class, making Sebastian feel alot more at ease. "Looks like you, mr Allen, are in love" Devoe called out from his chair, looking up from his book as Sebastian glanced away "just read your book Clifford" he smirked widely as Devoe leant back smirking also "I'll take that as a yes"

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