Chapter 6 ~ The World Is Ugly

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Sebastian and Caitlin proceeded to hang out from that day onwards, their mutual feelings not getting in the way of their friendship. Sebastian would always feel comfortable to bring her to his friend group and he loved every second with her, he never wanted it end.

Caitlin began to show more of her feelings towards Sebastian, she was sure she loved him and wanted to tell him but wasn't sure how to. She had just broken up with Ronnie a few days earlier and didn't want Sebastian to just turn her down.

Sebastian could tell something was off with Caitlin but knew that he would only end up pushing her away from him and that was something he never wanted to happen, so he left her to tell him in her own time.

Sebastian and Caitlin were in class, using their combined science engineering skills to construct a fully functional A.I. This impressed Harrison Wells to a great extent and he never was impressed by his students "Mr Allen, Miss Snow...a word please." Wells called them back after class and this worried Caitlin but surprised Sebastian.

"That was great work you both did, it's not easy creating a functional A.I, in fact it should be impossible for people your age." He congratulated the two of them as Sebastian smirked cockily and Cait glanced down at her feet shyly "it was all Sebastian Dr, I just tweaked around with central command board and systems" Caitlin admitted as Sebastian shook his head in utter shock, but before he could say anything, Wells offered him an idea he never thought about "Mr Allen, what do you think about Engineering class? you have plenty of open slots in your timetable" he suggested, glancing down at the young man.

Sebastian took a second to think about what he was just told.  It was true that he was considerably infatuated with his engineering skills, he just never considered making it a lesson for him to proceed with "I.. would be interesting to think about" he suggested as Caitlin playfully slapped him "think about? You should do it, it would really get you somewhere" she told him as he let out a steady shy before nodding gently "ok...ok I'll do it." He said breathlessly as Dr Wells beamed with joy "and who knows...perhaps one day you'll both be working for me at Star Labs" Wells put out there as Caitlin beamed her sweet smile up at him as Sebastian chuckled softly "I don't work well with people" he told Wells "you work well with Miss Snow. Now that is all, your free to go home now" Wells told them as they both said their goodbyes.

Sebastian needed to tell Caitlin how he felt, he was dying on the inside at everything he's kept in " around 7 tonight, would you mind possibly meeting me at my house? I need to tell you something" Sebastian asked as she glanced over at him "yeah, of course, I'll be around right after I'm dressed into something that doesn't make me look like a high school teacher" she teased, pecking him on the cheek and leaving him with his thoughts in overdrive. Did she just kiss him on the cheek?

2 hours later

Caitlin made her way to Sebastian's house, but as she did she saw something she wasn't expecting. Police cars, an ambulance and Henry Allen being taken into custody. This worried Caitlin who happened to be a fan of Henry Allen and his work, she was mostly worried for Sebastian.

She forced her way inside to find Nora Allen's body, on the floor with a stab wound right through her heart. She has been dead for approximately thirty minutes. She gasped at the sight of Sebastian and Barry clutching onto her dead body as officers were attempting to pull them off her "Get Away from Me!" Sebastian snapped up at the officer, making Caitlin recoil back at this side of Sebastian.

Caitlin slowly walked over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder "Sebastian." She spoke in a barely audible whisper before he forced himself away from her grasp, running out of the house and down the street.

Caitlin followed him the best she could, struggling to keep up with his speed  but just before she was about to collapse to the floor, she found him. Sitting on an old dock, overlooking a crystal clear lake, shimmering the moon light over its surface. She slowly made her way to his side, sitting beside him as he held his hands tightly together, not moving his gaze "...why did it have to be her?..." he whispered out as he looked down with tears brimming in his eyes.

Sebastian was not one for showing emotion, definitely not in front of people so Caitlin was surprised to see this side of Sebastian, the side that wasn't isolated, the side that refused to hold in anger. This is who Sebastian really was, a broken boy living in the shadow of his preferably liked brother, and this broke Caitlin's heart.

"I..I don't know Sebastian...she didn't deserve what happened to her...and you definitely don't." She replied in a comforting tone, placing her hand over his, making him let go of his other hand to squeeze hers lightly "..i never got the chance to tell i love I never stopped caring about her..." Sebastian struggled out through the tears as Caitlin wiped away his tears, not noticing the ones falling down her cheeks.

"Sebastian...I lost my father not too long ago...and my mother..well...she's never really been there for me..that's why I live on my own. Because I know that I can't go back to that life...but...I'm able to get /my/ life back on track." She told him softly, caressing his knuckles as he glanced over into her coco brown eyes.

In that moment, it felt as if there was no one left in the world, it was only them and they were each others oxygen. "Cait..." he breathed out gently as Cait couldn't take it anymore, she leaned in and closed the gap.

Sebastian couldn't believe it, her lips felt incredible, like silk grazing against his. Sebastian slowly pulled her closer as they pulled their lips apart for fresh air as they both smiled widely, they felt so much excitement and exhilaration from that moment and they both knew they were destined for more moments to come.

"Do you mind if I stay with you at your place?...I don't really want to stay at Joe's." Sebastian said silently as Caitlin nodded immediately, of course she was gonna help him. "Yes yeah of course, no problem" she said as he let out a shaky smile as he slowly laid them back on the dock, resting her head on his chest.

She could feel his heart pump every ounce of oxygen he inhaled and loved every moment of it, it was them versus the world, and nothing was going to ever change that.

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