Chapter 2 ~ Caitlin Snow

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The young male, wrapped his arm around her as she giggled softly at something he had said, Sebastian had enough and walked into the class early, due to no one being in there he sat at the back and put his feet on top of the countertop. The couple simply watched him as they've seen no one this careless before "what do you think his problem is?" The young man asked, raising his brow slightly. The slightly younger girl watched Sebastian with an intrigued look, she was fascinated by him but also outraged that the college even allowed such a kid to join them. "I have no idea but let's not allow him to get in the way Ronnie" she beamed up at him as he gave her a quick peck on her pink rosey lips. A few more minutes pass as more students arrived and the teacher which to Sebastian's surprise was Harrison Wells, famous scientist for his theories and ideas. "Could you please take your feet off the counters and get up Mr...Allen." Harrison called out to him Sebastian rolled his eyes and got up, awaiting for Mr Wells to tell him what he will be doing next. Just then Harrison had took out a register of sorts and began writing names on the white board in what seemed to be a seating plan. "Ok umm..right, this will be your seating plan for the year and if any changes are to be made then you will find yourselves out of my class Immediately, do you understand?" He told them demandingly as all the students nodded softly "right...Barry Allen you will be sitting with Ronnie Raymond, Francisco Ramon you will be seated with Felicity Smoak, Ray Palmer with Kara Danvers, Kate Kane with Sara Lance and finally, Sebastian Allen with Caitlin Snow." Harrison revealed who everyone will be sitting next to, he saw Ronnie, give one last kiss to his girlfriend before finding his seat next to  Barry, giving him a handshake. A young dashing man sat next to a young girl in a blue and red tank top, giving her a handshake and a charming smile, the two girls had found their seats together, one had their hair cut short and had a careless look on her face the other had dirty blond hair and a smirk on her face as she nodded towards the other girl. A young columbian boy with long black hair sat next to a sweet blond girl with glasses and a smile that could make anyone smile with her. Finally that left Sebastian and the girlfriend to Ronnie Raymond, Caitlin Snow. They had sat down next to each other but refused to look up at the other, Caitlin was going to not let him get to her and as for Sebastian, he wanted nothing to do with her or her pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. Harrison announced himself to the class and Sebastian could already feel the urge to pass out, he was practically pinching himself to stay awake "ok...let's get to it then, if you look in the centre of your tables you will find a folder and in that folder you will find a list of assignments I want to be completed before the summer holidays and you will be working on these assignments with your seating plan partner." He told them all as all of them groaned especially Sebastian, he always hated assignments and now he was forced to do them with a total stranger, he was furious. "Now please, spend the rest of the lesson getting to know your partners" Harrison told them as he left the class to collect something, as he did the class started bickering between themselves as Caitlin shyly glanced up at Sebastian "...hi..." she spoke just above a whisper "...look don't talk to me if you obviously don't want to alright, I'm used to it" Sebastian told her bluntly as he looked out the window "hey no no no..look I just.. I'm not used with new people" she told him as she looks down slightly "well I guess that makes two of us" he glanced back at her as she stared back at him biting her lower lip.

After an excruciating hour and a half of absolute nonsense of getting to know their partners class had finally ended, and everyone rushed out but Harrison had placed his hand on Sebastian's shoulder "wait there Mr Allen. I want a word." He pulled him back and closed the door, sitting on his desk. "Okay...I've read your record and from everything I've seen you seem like a trouble here's a proposition I'll give you. If you pass these assignments with Miss Snow, I will simply write away your records as if they never existed, I'll sign you off from needing to continue onto a second or third year." Harrison told him with a simple small smirk, Sebastian couldn't be more happy "sounds like a plan" he grinned as Harrison let him go.

As Sebastian got outside the class, he was immediately pinned against the lockers by Ronnie, he simply groaned and rolled his eyes "okay Ronnie whatever you want can it just wait till I actually give a crap?" He asked him without an ounce of care in his voice. Ronnie, enraged just forced him against the lockers again "listen here jackass I don't know why your so dark and broody and quite frankly I don't care but if Caitlin ever tells me you try anything with her or do anything to her I will personally kill you myself" he told him threateningly as Sebastian simply clapped "wow Ronnie, colour me impressed.. you actually think I give a crap about your girlfriend well ok listen here. I don't, I don't care what you think either." Sebastian told him bluntly, this earned him a punch right to the face, forcing him against the lockers making him slide down them, his nose gushed with blood as he glanced up at Ronnie who was walking away, wiping his knuckles of blood. Sebastian simply sat there pinching his nose tightly, groaning gently as he got up and gave Caitlin, who was at the other end of the corridor looking guilty one last glare before staggering to the toilets to clean his nose of all blood.

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