Chapter 8 ~ The College Dance

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It's been a week since Sebastian and Caitlin's intimate moment together and they have never been happier, Sebastian had seemed to think less about his mother and focus more on Caitlin.

Ronnie had tried more than once to get Caitlin back but Sebastian had none of it and would always end up back in detention.

Caitlin was working in the library as Sebastian came up behind her, kissing her temple gently "what you working on?" He asked softly as she beamed a smile up at him "just finishing off our project which your welcome for by the way" she teased as Sebastian replied back by nibbling her neck gently, causing her to moan involuntarily "shut up Cait" he smirked slightly as he continued to watch her work.

Just then the bell rang and it was ready for him to get to Physical education class. "Time to run, talk to you later ok babe" he said gently, giving her a soft peck on her lips "ok Sebastian, remember we have the college dance tonight" she told him as he began walking away, waving his hand at her, indicating that he knew.

In Physical education, the teacher planned the first half to be some sort of boxing exercise and the second half to be two miles around the school field, Sebastian couldn't wait.

In class his boxing partner was Ronnie and for some strange reason, Sebastian smirked, knowing that Ronnie would attempt to get the better of him and right he was. Because as soon as the exercise began Ronnie wasn't letting Sebastian have any chances to hit back, forcing him to block.

Ronnie soon began to tire out, his punches becoming slower and lighter as Sebastian took the opportunity to hit his gloved hands to the side, punching his stomach, winding him in the process and landing an right hook to his jaw, forcing him to the ground immediately.

Soon after that exercise was finished it was the laps which Sebastian beat in record time, of course. He came over to Ronnie patting him on the shoulder mockingly "I guess I'm made to beat you" he grinned as he walked away, leaving Ronnie angry and humiliated.

Ronnie soon got dressed and found his way to Caitlin, not seeing SebaSebastian anywhere in sight. Caitlin saw him and rolled her eyes at him "stay away from me Ronnie i-" she was cut off by him, pinning her to the wall and kissing her roughly.

Caitlin fought against him but it was too late, Sebastian came around the corner and chuckled coldly as Caitlin saw him, breaking the kiss "Seba-" "Don't!" He cut her off with a yell, walking away and out of sight and as he did, Caitlin kicked Ronnie right between the legs, making him fall down to the floor in pain but it didn't matter, the damage was already done.

Caitlin ran off to find him, crying as she did so. What did she do? She broke him. She broke the man she loves. She eventually found him, sitting in a closed off part of the college, away from sight, holding his head in his hands, crying heavily.

Caitlin couldn't bare the sight of him like this, it shattered her to the core and it was Ronnie's doing. She slowly made her way to him before Sebastian told her to stop where she was. He got up, wiping his eyes as he smirked coolly.

"Why? After everything we've been through together why the hell should I not just leave you and let you rot like you've done to me?" He spoke hatefully as Caitlin recoiled back slightly, she has never seen this side to Sebastion before. It frightened her but she was determined to fix things.

"Because I didn't kiss him...I....i don't why he did...b..but..." she stuttered out before Sebastian burst with anger "but what!?" He yelled right at her face as her eyes briefly turned white before changing back.

"He kissed me! I don't know why...most likely to get back at you for something" she revealed as Sebastian soon fell silent. She could've been right but he wasn't sure...not yet.

"Look I understand if you don't want to be with me...but I never wanted him to kiss me...I only want you..." she said gently, laying a kiss on his cheek before starting to walk away.

Sebastian was left conflicted before catching up to her, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around "I guess I'll just have to beat him harder then" he muttered before roughly kissing her lips.

They remained in that embrace, not letting the other have any sort of dominance. Their passionate moment was soon interrupted by professor Devoe coming around the corner and ushering them out immediately "hey! You two are not supposed to be back here. Leave."

Both teens did as they were told, chuckling at being caught as they left hand in hand. Leaving Devoe chuckling to himself as he observed both teens. "We're still going right?" She asked softly as Sebastian glanced down at her "is that even a question?" He replied with a smirk.

A few hours later

Hours pass and soon Sebastian along with Caitlin made their way back to the college for the annual dance that happens every year. Sebastian wore and all black suit, unbuttoning his top two buttons of his shirt because he felt restricted. As for Caitlin, she wore an icy blue dress with matching long sleeve gloves, he hair tied up nicely with light make up.

They made their way into the large hall meeting with the rest of their friend group. Kate, Ray, Felicity, Cisco, Sara and Kara along with Barry, Eddie and Iris. "Wow you two look amazing together" Cisco pointed out as Cait blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "thank you very much Cisco" she replied as Sebastian distanced herself from her because the college asked him to personally perform a song for the dance.

As he got the stage, the music started to play behind him. He decided to sing The Legacy by Black Veil Brides.

The video up above

Racing faster
Escape disaster
Partners in crime will leave their mark
We make our own way
No thoughts of yesterday
Black hearts of chrome and battle scars


The legacy
Born from a dream
On leather wings
Rose from the streets
With the hands on destiny

We came from nothing
But promise one thing
We'll change the world with these guitars
So listen closely
And don't stop working
No one can tell you who you are
(Tell you who you are)

The legacy
Born from a dream
On leather wings
Rose from the streets
With the hands on destiny

The legacy
Born from a dream
On leather wings
Rose from the streets
With the hands on destiny


Look! (look)
Never look back!
Look! (look)
Never look back!
Never look back!

The legacy
Born from a dream
On leather wings
Rose from the streets
With the hands on destiny

The legacy
Born from a dream
On leather wings
Rose from the streets
With the hands on destiny.



The song soon ended as everyone clapped for him, except Ronnie who remained in the corner looking furiously at Sebastian as he jumped off the stage, walking back over to Caitlin who was clapping for him with a big beaming smile.

Sebastian pulled her closely against him and span her around slowly as then another song began to play. It was Every Breath You Take by The Police.

Caitlin clapped her hands and dragged Sebastian onto the dance floor, wrapping her arms around his neck as he snaked his around her waist, gently swaying them from side to side.

They continued to dance with everyone else, smiling at each other. Ronnie watched from a far, jealousy swirled deep within his heart. He ruined his relationship with Caitlin and now she was happy with another man, he got up and left as Sebastian and Cait continued to dance, kissing gently as the song ended. Nothing was ever going to tear them apart again.

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