Chapter 10 ~ Twisted End

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It has been a whole week since Sebastian and Caitlin's fight, he decided to sleep on the couch in hopes that space was all she wanted which was the complete opposite. Caitlin has been regretting her words ever since, she knew why he felt like that, he was jealous. After everything Ronnie has done to them, it was understandable why he said those things but now their relationship was tainted again.

Today was the day the particle accelerator was planning to be activated and both himself and Caitlin agreed to not talk about their relationship until after it was completed.

Sebastian currently was working in the particle accelerator, fixing places that had seemed to be rushed according to him. Just then he noticed Ronnie approaching as he simply sighed "what do you want Raymond?" He asked carelessly, choosing not to look at him.

Ronnie simply rolled his eyes, walking along the bridge from the pipeline to the particle accelerator "look we need to put each other's input on this if we have any chances of getting this to work." He told Sebastian who simply shook his head in disbelief "I prefer to work alone and if I had any reason to work with someone, I'll request someone better such as Cisco or Hartley. I don't want you near me while I'm working so leave before I actually push you off that bridge"

Sebastian went back to work as Ronnie scoffed coldly, walking away with a smug look on his face "I'd be careful with Cait if I were you, i already broke her enough times" he pushed as Sebastian clenched onto the screwdriver tightly, leaving Ronnie to leave his sight. He was going to kill him one day, it was just a matter of time.

Caitlin remained in the lab with Cisco, keeping to herself and calibrating everything, ready for tonight. Just then Cisco turned to her bringing up a valid point that never crossed Caitlin's mind "you know ever since college, Sebastian has been different towards you, are you sure he's telling you everything?" He asked softly as she bit her lip nervously "I.. I don't know Cisco...yeah..things have been different between us, he seems more colder now but he's always been like that right?" She questioned back as he shook his head ever so slightly "he was only cold when he was around you, not us." He told her as Caitlin glanced back at the computer, sighing gently "I think he's just lost interest with me Cisco, it's like he can't even look me in the eye anymore" she said gently as Cisco placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "maybe he wants to tell you something and perhaps he's been keeping it in for so long its slowly been eating him out from the inside" Cisco told her softly as he left the cortex to inform Dr Wells that the particle accelerator is ready, leaving Caitlin with her thoughts on what Sebastian wants to tell her so badly.

The night of the Particle Accelerator
"Today my fellow colleagues and friends we not only observe the greatest scientific achievement in history, we create it." Dr Wells told them all toasting them all as he himself activated the particle accelerator through the cortex as everyone clapped for their achievement.

Sebastian and Caitlin continued to stare longingly at each other, only wanting their love to awaken once again. Just then alarms began to ring all throughout the building, it was the accelerator. It was failing, malfunctioning and no one knew what to do.

Soon Sebastian made his way to the exit, with Cisco following close behind him. Caitlin called out to him but with no avail, she was needed in the cortex and she couldn't escape to find her lover.

Sebastian and Cisco made their way to pipeline as opened the hatch "I only have some time to limit the blast radius of the explosion, if I'm not back then please shut the hatch, I don't want to killing anyone in this building" he said breathlessly as Cisco pulled him back "no absolutely not, your gonna come back and your gonna ask Caitlin to marry you" Cisco told him as Sebastian stared down at him in disbelief "c'mon, I'm not an idiot. Now go." Cisco smirked as Sebastian ran into the particle accelerator in hopes to operate the shut down valves.

Ronnie came bursting into the pipeline, telling Cisco about Wells being knocked unconscious "go to him, I'll keep the doors open. Go!" Ronnie yelled at him as Cisco did so, running to Dr Wells' aid.  Sebastian glanced up through the sparking destruction to see Ronnie standing by the hatch with a smirk on his face, Sebastian used his incredible speed to run as fast as he could to the hatch but, it was too late.

The hatch had closed and now Sebastian was left, attempting to override the controls before flashbacks of Caitlin came rushing back to him. He backed away from the controls, knowing the explosion would end up killing her with him. He looked out to the abyss, seeing the dark matter wave approaching at stupendous speeds "goodbye Cait" he mumbled before closing his eyes and accepting his inevitable fate and then...

To Be Continued on Love is Blind.

To Be Continued on Love is Blind

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