Chapter 9 ~ The Big City

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Three years later
This was it, Sebastian and Caitlin managed to get through Central City College and maintain their relationship, sure there was ups and downs but what relationship doesn't have them.

They were happy and now they were moving into a new apartment deeper into the City in hopes to continue their long prosperous lives together.

"Be careful with that, it's got my laptop inside it" Caitlin told him sternly as Sebastian brought the box through the door with a little bit of struggle "you know you can help any time you want" he teased, placing the box on the couch as she snaked her arms around his neck "awe and show my boyfriend just how much of a weakling he is, don't think so" she smirked slightly as he rolled his eyes playfully "oh ha ha" he mocked as he held her against him, causing her to gasp.

"Well that's the last box, so time to start unpacking." He told her gently as she nodded beginning to unpack the boxes, putting away some assorted items as Sebastian did the same.

After a few hours of putting away their belongings, she picks up a familiar white crystal and reveals it "I can't believe you actually kept this" she told him, getting on his lap, curling into his arms "well we found it on one of our late night walks baby, I wasn't just gonna leave it" he answered gently as they both examined the stone, feeling encompassed at the small artefact.

Just then a faint ringing sound came from Caitlin's laptop, she picked it up and answered it, revealing the face of their old science teacher Harrison Wells. "Dr Wells, its pleasure to see you." Caitlin beamed with a small smile "the pleasure is all my Miss Snow" he replied softly, removing his glasses "I didn't expect you to call just for a chat" Sebastian told him with a smirk "hm no I did not, i wanted to call because i was wondering if you two were still up for those positions I offered you all those years ago?" He asked softly, causing Sebastian's eyebrow to raise and Caitlin to immediately choke on her own breath "wait what? Those offers were real?" She asked, coughing lightly "of course they were, I saw great potential in you both and that is why I want you to be working with me and my team on the particle accelerator" he revealed as Sebastian even began to get excited "wait. /The/ particle accelerator?" He asked softly, leaning up from the couch, Caitlin still sitting on his lap.

He nodded softly with a chuckle "you actually sound surprised" he said as Sebastian smirked widely "I blame you for getting me into Science Dr" he teased as Wells smiled softly "I expect you both to show up for a tour of the facility tomorrow" he told them as they both nodded gently, ending the call with a sigh.

"Wow. I can't believe it, we get to work on the biggest scientific advancement in Central City history" Caitlin beamed out as she began hyperventilating with excitement. Sebastian slowly pulled her close to him, rubbing her chest lightly "I know, I know its exciting isn't it?" he chuckled softly.

Sebastian wrapped an arm around her waist, rocking her side to side "we should get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow" she told as just then he smirked widely "we could or we could christen the new place me~" he glanced up at her as she raised her brow gently, tilting her head to the side exposing her neck "if it shuts you up then let's go do that, just make sure I have full mobility of my legs tomorrow would you" she grinned down at him as he gently kissed her neck "so not much different from college?" He smirked widely, nibbling lightly.

The next day
Caitlin drives them both to Star Laboratories, meeting Dr Harrison Wells for their tour. They were both very excited for the tour and couldn't start working on the scientific breakthrough that is the particle accelerator. Whilst on tour the two reunited with an old familiar face "Cisco?" Caitlin muuttered gently as the young man turned around with a look of sudden glee "oh my god! You two it's been so long" he said breathlessly as he got up, embracing Caitlin tightly "how've you been?" Sebastian asked with a soft smirk on his lips "great, more than great, I um got my major in scientific advancements and was offered a place at Star Labs" Cisco beamed at them as Wells placed his hands on both Sebastian and Caitlin's shoulders "I'm actually showing them around the building, if you would like to continue on with it then I'll be more than happy Cisco" Wells informed him as he tucked the hair away from his eyes "yes yes of course. If you would like to come with me please" Cisco told them, getting up and going around the corner immediately as the two adults soon followed with happy smirks on their faces.

An hour later
Soon the tour was complete and both Sebastian and Caitlin were about to leave through the elevator just as a voice called out to them "Caitlin Snow?" The voice was familiar and held pain for them both, they turned around to be faced with a much older Ronnie Raymond "w-wow look well" Caitlin stuttered out, stepping closer to him as he did the same "god so do you." They had both seemed to forget about Sebastian's presence and this troubled him to the core "Wow Ronnie, you look better without a broken rib" Sebastian told him as he pulled Caitlin back with such anger, she couldn't describe the pain she felt "look...I know what I did in College wasn't...great...I hurt you both and I know I'm gonna have to live with them but I don't want this feud to get in the way of our work" Ronnie explained as he extended his hand towards Sebastian who looked on with a perplexed look on his face "thanks but, I'll prefer to ignore you when I'm here" he told him as they went into the elevator and closed the door on him.

"What the hell was that?" Caitlin snapped at him, causing him to raise his brow at her "what was what?" He asked, clenching his fists tightly "you know heard Ronnie, he's trying to be a better person" she told him as he clenched his fists more "once a douchebag, always a douchebag" he said coldly, exiting the elevator and into the main hallway "'ve got that right, maybe you should try looking at yourself once and awhile" she answered coldly, pushing past him to the exit, reaching her car and driving away without him. Leaving him with his thoughts, a heavy conscious and a trembling hand clutching onto a small dark blue box.

This is Love? ~SaviSnow College AU~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat