Chapter Four

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Jenny’s Point of View

I could smell something burning, and I immediately threw on one of Michael’s shirts. I started calling out his name. He grabbed me by the waist.

“Jenny what the hell is going on?”

“Can’t you smell something burning?”

“Oh shit. Breakfast!” He dashed back into the kitchen. “I’m making French toast, how many did you want?”

“Two is fine.”

“I already set the table. Have a seat.” He was cooking me breakfast which I thought was very sweet. But after we ate I had some questions for him. He set the toast in front of me. It was burnt, but I could still see the uncooked egg. I have no idea how that is even possible.

“You don’t like it?” He looked so heartbroken, how could I tell him the breakfast he probably spent forever on was inedible.

“I love it. But I’m going to spruce it up some.” He smiled. Thank God, because the last thing I needed was Salmonella. I remembered an old recipe my mom taught me, and went to work. After twenty minutes I handed him the plate, and he ate everything including the cream cheese frosting. I hadn’t even had anything to eat yet.

“That was delicious Bella. So I’m sure you have concerns. But just know that I want you here with me. You’re so beautiful, and I almost felt compelled to get you out of that shitty job and apartment and take care of you. Let me do that?” He looked so lost, and fragile. Gone was the intimidating man from yesterday, this person looked broken, and lost.

“Um ok.” His face lit up. “But I want you to be honest with me about everything, starting with who you are.” Why on God’s green earth would I move in with a guy I barely knew. Even though it was wrong being around him felt so right.

“Well what do you want to know.”

“Everything! It’s like this aura about you. Like last night at the restaurant and with the police officer it’s just weird.” His face began to pale, and he raised an eyebrow.

“Well I’m Michael Mancini.”

“And I’m Jennifer Brown, what’s your point.” He smirked at me and handed me my phone.

“Look it up, I’ll be in the shower, join me if you want.” He said walking away. I did a Google search on him. There were news articles and TMZ reports everywhere.

‘Michael Mancini seen out with mystery woman last night.’ ‘Michael Mancini may be linked to the Mafia.’ ‘Mancini closes a deal with Microsoft and Apple.’

What the hell have I gotten myself into? I walked to the bathroom and opened the shower door. “What the hell? You didn’t think of telling me all that before?” I said while covering my eyes.

“Well I just assumed that you knew.” He said before grabbing me and pulling me into the shower with him.

“Stop I have to get a shower cap.” He raised an eyebrow. He must not have dated a black woman before because when my hair gets wet it’s a completely different person. He smirked at me and wet a wash cloth, and wrung the water onto my hair. He started laughing.

“Look it’s all curly now!” He pushed me against the shower wall and we made a repeat of last night. He loaned me a shirt and some socks and we watched some Maury.

“So what do you actually do for a living?”

“Well I’m the CEO of Mancini shipping.” I raised an eyebrow. His lying ass tell half-truths. “Fine I took over my father’s business, which isn’t that ‘legal’ it’s kind of a tradition. All the firstborn sons take over after their father.”

“How haven’t you gotten caught? Is it kinda like the Godfather? Are you like Marlon Brando and Al Pacino?”

“I guess you can say that” he said chuckling.

“So if I don’t work, what do I do exactly?”

“Well you can ask my mother, because we are having dinner with her tonight.”

“Wait what? Have you told her about me already?”

“Well yea. I told her about you right after I met you at Starbucks, because there was no way you’d resist me. Let’s get ready.” What do you wear to meet your guy friends mother, I was so nervous.

Michael’s Point of View

I’ve never brought any girl to meet my mother before, and I was beyond nervous. I was such a mama’s boy growing up and I didn’t want to disappoint her. Ever since my father died she hasn’t really been herself. I think Jenny might be the thing she needs to get better.

“Come Bella, how are you going to impress mama if you’re late?”

“Ok, geez. How do I look?” She looked beautiful in her sweater and jeans. I knew mama would adore her.

“You look beautiful. Let’s go”

Michael’s Mom’s House

“I don’t know if I can do this. Just tell them I got sick or something.”

“No you can do this” I said while knocking on the door.

“Michael is this her? Oh my gosh, you’re so pretty. We’re going to be the best of friends.”

“Maria would you back the hell up?”

“Oh you cursed! I’m telling mom.”

“Stop Maria that’s not funny.” I was actually kind of afraid of my mother.

“Anyway, I’m Maria. This knuckleheads sister, and you must be Jenny. Everyone is so excited to meet you.” she said pulling Jenny in for a hug.

“Everyone?” I could tell she was getting nervous.

“Mama especially.” My mother emerged out of kitchen and kissed both of my cheeks. She pushed me out the way and look Jenny up and down.“Michael perché non riusciva a trovare una bella ragazza di Italia? Beh, almeno lei ha un po di carne sulle ossa. (Michael, why couldn't you find a nice girl from Italy? Well at least she's got some meat on her bones.) “You must be Jennifer.:

“Yes, ma’am I am.”

“Well welcome to the family figlia.” After that all of my family can rushing out of the kitchen. This is gonna be one hell of a night.  


Don't gotta work today! That means no bra for at least 24 hours. Yay!!!! Enjoy

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