Chapter 6

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My heart pumped in my chest as the sky melted into a darker aura and night fell upon the lonely city.
My eyes darted from car to car as I sped past and to the bright luminous traffic lights.
I was on a highway to hell or rather a road to refuge.
It didn't occur to me that by the time I had turned a corner by a foreign convenient store that the red light on fuel began flashing which meant I drive the tank to empty.
In a split second the motor started fading and quite thankfully I managed to pull up in the front of the convenient store parking lot as the bike came to a stop.
My heart dropped as I saw the dial lay flat for an empty tank.


I furiously slam my hands against the handles as I tug at my hair.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck"

I let put a string of curses, pulling at my own hair stressed.

Where the fuck do I go now
How do I even get there
Fuck I don't even have a phone or any shit on me
What was I thinking

Tears formed in my eyes from desperation as I laid my head against the handles.

I really didn't think this out straight did I.

My mind went numb as all I felt was my heart jerking at itself.
I felt weak, helpless and lost.
I had no one
No cash
No way
No hope.

I slam my fists once more agaisnt the bike handles as a scar dragged across them and they bled. Tilting my head up to the sky as I screamed.


As if some sort of God heard my demands, a flash of lighting and crackle of thunder was heard as rain began pairing down onto me heavily.
I let out an annoyed sigh as my hair began getting soaked and damp before discarding the bike and seeking shelter underneath the convenient store porch.
I slouched against the wall near the entrance door as I rested my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.
Looking to the pavement as I felt my heart sink.

If I were to die tonight
On the pavement of a place I don't know
Would be a dream
Then to die in the comfort
Of my own home.

The thoughts came across my mind as I raised my head only to rest it agsudnt the glass, my head tilted to the cloudy night sky which made luminance for the moon to shine.
It was often in the times of my downfall that thoughts of my mother came across to my mind.
It was my way of bring soothed and soon I saw her kind eyes look down to me.
A fond memory slipping into my troubled state for a second.

"Mommy why is the sky crying?"

Eren looked to his mother tilting his face to the side as his eyes softened.
His mother smiled warmly looking to the rain outside as she took a seat next to him by the window sill.
Her fingers gently traced the glass where the raindrops would race, a warm smile spread across her lifeless face.

"The sky cries because she yearns for comfort Eren."

His mother spoke softly with a timid voice, silence falling upon the 2 as the younger Eren looked outside the window and the rain grew heavier.
His little heart tore a bit in sympathy as a child would.
Tears falling down his cheeks.

"C-can I hug the sky then Mommy?"

Eren asked in a shaky voice as he placed his hand on the window and looked up to the clouds in hope.

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