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At the cozy lil Italian restaurant they'd chosen to have their reception at–which was actually the one Bobby'd just sold to a friend who'd been begging him to sell out for Years–the group gathered in a private dining area toward the back. This was the Space that was always reserved when folks were doing something like this, or throwing a bachelor or bachelorette party. It was big enough to comfortably seat up to thirty folks, but still small enough to make things decently intimate, even for smaller groups.

        The groom took his place at the head of the table, his son settling at the foot since he wanted his new wife to be beside him. Aerin didn't have any arguments against that–after all, this wasn't the Victorian era where such a thing was all but required. She was more than willing to sit next to her man, especially with her reason for her grin only growing wider every few minutes.

        Once everyone was settled, the older bassist kept his volume low enough to avoid disturbing other patrons–or letting their news get out–as he thanked the small group for coming today. The guys and their significant others, even their kids, were more than happy to've been invited and gotten to come to something so special. It was certainly different than any wedding ceremony they'd ever seen before, what with their hands being bound and the few more Pagan parts. Course, having it proceed the way most weddings did helped blend the two religious differences a bit more smoothly, too.

        "So, what's got the bride grinning like a fool up there?" CC asked with a grin of his own. "Besides having just wed, that is."

        The young woman couldn't help her grin broadening again as she grabbed her new husband's hand and pulled it closer to her.

        "Wha–" he started to ask, cutting himself off as she pressed said hand to her belly. Bobby's brow furrowed at first as he thought she was just doing like she did as she fell asleep–till he felt a distinct thump against his palm that he hadn't felt in literally decades. "Oh, my Gods."

        "What?" Bret asked, suddenly a bit worried about them.

        "Yeah, what's going on?" the drummer asked, his own expression equally worried.

        "Either I'm high on something, or I just felt one of these boogers kick my hand!" Bobby laughed, gently rubbing the spot.

        "Seriously?" This was asked by the front man's girl, Kristi. "I thought she wasn't that far along yet."

        "Seriously," he answered, grinning. "I remember what those lil thumps against my palm felt like, even if it's been Ages since I felt it."

        No one in the room could help a soft cheer, almost everyone wanting to see if they could feel the babies moving, too. Aerin didn't have a problem with them touching her, but that was only 'cuz she'd gotten to know them well enough and had her man by her side. Otherwise, she'd have told them they weren't touching her, especially when they coulda shoved a hand through her belly to try ripping her babies out too soon, for all she knew.

        Rikki's daughter, Lucy seemed to be the most enthralled once she felt another of those thumps against her own lil palm. Her surprised look that preceded a soft squeal made everyone in the room laugh, as did her pout when her daddy made her reclaim her seat so they could eat as their food started coming outta the kitchen.

        The young woman was ravenous as she caught a whiff of a familiar scent, her mouth watering so much that she was practically drooling as the linguine was dished out. She shot a look at Bobby, the quirk to her smile saying that she could kill him for giving out her mother's recipe, but she understood why he'd done it. He wouldn't have had the Time to make it himself today, and he woulda needed help to make enough to feed so many people at once. Outta options beyond that, he'd been forced to give it out so they could keep things moving along, rather than having to wait forever to eat.

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)Where stories live. Discover now