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Upon arriving at the BuyBuyBaby store about ten miles away in Franklin, Bobby was even more excited than he'd been when they'd first gotten in his car. His young wife and mama-to-be couldn't help but laugh as he practically bounced in his seat while waiting on her, but she knew why. Back when Zak and Zoe both were in the making, his ex-wife'd been the one to design their nurseries since he'd been on the Flesh and Blood tour while she was pregnant with Zak, then in rehab to get dried out for most of her pregnancy with Zoe.

        The only parts he'd really had a significant role in were when they were originally conceived, and getting to hold them after Mishy'd given Birth. He'd to rush home from a tour stop at the Chelsea Studios in New York, but inclimate Weather'd delayed him. No thanksta the flight he'd been trying to catch being delayed by thirty hours, he'd finally gotten to the hospital just after his son was born.

        Aerin was hell-bound and determined that he got the full experience alongside her–well, as much as he could for being the father, rather than the mother. While she might be the one with more of a sense of interior design, she still wanted him to feel like his input was valuable before deciding on any one theme. The bassist might actually think of something that slipped her mind and point it out, which she'd admit was a distinct possibility. She'd been more forgetful ever since conceiving, which Dr. Kenda said was mostly due to sleep deprivation and completely normal. Regardless, the young woman knew having her husband's input was prolly better for both their sakes as opposed to fighting.

        In the store, said husband grabbed a cart since they didn't have any real ideas in mind, but didn't know what they might End up finding. Bobby knew there could be hundreds upon thousands of designsta choose from in just crib bedding alone, but they'd have to pick something that was unisex. Otherwise, they'd have to find two similar sets–or ones that were identical, save for a single differing Color or something–to mix-and-match since they were having one of each.

        "Can I help y'all find anything today?"

        Turning their attention to the left, they saw one of the store's employees fulfilling that part of her job description by greeting them and offering her assistance.

        "I think we're good with just browsing for now," the young woman answered, rubbing her belly. "We've twinsta shop for, but planning on doing a single nursery, so we're not too sure how we're gon' manage that."

        "Well, we've plenty of unisex sets," she told her. "Actually, I just saw one earlier that was themed around the Moon and perfect for your case, or just waiting till Birth to find out the genders."

        The bassist couldn't help a chuckle at the way his wife's eyes lit up at the word Moon. "I think ya mighta just stole her heart with that one."

        "So, I'ma Selenophile," Aerin giggled. "You like staring at the Sun till I whack the back of your noggin and tell ya to stop it before ya blind yourself."

        "And what's a Selenophile, if ya don't mind my asking?" the employee–whose name tag read Becki–asked curiously.

        "A Nyctophile's someone who loves Night and the Darkness, a Pluviophile's someone who loves and/or takes Comfort in the Rain, a Selenophile's someone who loves the Moon, and a Ceraunophile's someone who loves Thunder and Lightning," she answered, making even her husband look amazed.

        "Well, I already know you're not a Pluviophile," Bobby chuckled. "If there's one thing ya hate–unless it's in the middle of a powerful Storm–it's Rain."

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz