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Later that Night, in the master suite of the house he'd just sold–which he'd essentially rented for the week to have a honeymoon location–Bobby was content as he snuggled his new bride. They'd finally managed to leave the restaurant, the guys and their families getting ready to head back to Los Angeles so they could resume their normal Lives. Ash and Aidan were already on the road to Tenn since they'd also driven down, but they were checking in every couple hours whenever they stopped for gas or something.

        Due to the special Nature of the Day, he'd decided that he was gonna veritably worship his bride that Night, just as she deserved. However, the tables'd quickly been turned when she started using the sensation play she knew he loved against him. Aerin was always careful to stop just short of him getting his rocks off, which oft irritated him to no End, but he loved every second of it.

        After what'd to be three, maybe four rounds that made him seem more like he was twenty-eight or younger again, the bassist was thoroughly worn out. It'd been a long Day that he'd gotten up early for, but while he was exhausted, it was one of the most pleasant types of exhaustion he'd ever experienced. But he knew his new wife felt the same way, judging by the smile still on her face and the soft sighs she'd let out when either of them shifted in the slightest.

        "Ready to get some sleep now, huh?" Bobby chuckled softly as he rubbed her back.

        "Mmm, hmm," she hummed, nodding where her head rested on his chest. "These babies already make me tired–ya wore me out even more, especially since ya made me unleash the Sex magick tonight."

        "I didn't make ya unleash shit!" the bassist laughed. "That was an accident!"

        "Sure, it was," Aerin giggled. "Ya already admittedja loved when I hitcha with it, so I know damn good and well ya sent me into sub-space on purposeta get it!"

        "All right, all right–ya figured out my dastardly plan," he told her. "I couldn't resist since yeah, I love it when I get smacked with Sex magick."

        "I fuckin' knew it," the young woman said, then yawned.

        "Well, before we finally call it a Night, I'm kinda curious–what'dja say to your mother earlier?" Bobby asked. "I don't actually speak Italian–I only learned those couple lines for my vows from my now-former restaurant manager."

        "I told her that I didn't know what the fuck she wanted, but she wasn't welcome there, and to suck my left nut, or get out," she told him.

        The bassist couldn't help cracking up, knowing that was just like his new wife when she didn't wanna deal with something–or simply didn't have the capability of dealing with something at a particular Time.

        "The next lil bit of Italian I used right before I walked out literally means fuck this shit," Aerin continued. "Fottuta ficalei può succhiami la sinistra signora dado."

        "Okay, I'ma take a wild guess and say thatcha just said she could suck your left lady nut," he chuckled.

        "And called her a fuckin' cunt," the young woman answered.

        Bobby just about choked on his own spit as he cracked up again, but he knew that was all too like his new wife, considering how she'd professed to feel about her mother. Still, even as they settled down so they could finally go to bed, he wondered just how their estrangement was gonna affect the near Future. He knew that most women wanted their mothers in the delivery room with them, if said mother was still alive when they gave Birth. What he wanted to know was whether she was gonna be one of those women who'd want her mother with her during such a Time, but didn't realize it yet, or if she really did hate Kat that much and never wanted to see her again.

Good Love (Sequel to Chance Meeting)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن